

字词 新教


Protestantism(the reformed church)


Protestantism. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protestantism


16世纪宗教改革中形成的基督教派别,与天主教、东正教并列为基督教三大派别。新教合理继承了基督教“三位一体”的宗教教义,更强调对《圣经》的信仰,否定教皇和教会的特权,主要有马丁·路德教派、加尔文教派和英国国教教派。 新教的产生伴随着宗教改革运动,对资本主义发展起到了一定的促进作用(刘永上等,2015:192)。又称“抗罗宗”、“抗议宗”。中国常称之为“基督教”。有时也叫“耶稣教”。信教反对罗马教会的统治,不承认教皇的至高地位,主张教会制度多样化。强调信徒直接与上帝相通而不需神甫作中介。不承认天主教传统教义中有关“炼狱”、圣餐变体论的说教。反对尊玛利亚为圣母。主要宗派有信义会、长老会、圣公会、浸礼会、公理会、卫理公会等。分布于英、美、德、瑞士、北欧各国和澳大利亚、新西兰等国(溥奎等,2010:117)。16世纪马丁·路德在德国发起的宗教改革运动,茨温利和加尔文在瑞士推行的宗教改革,以及英王亨利八世自上而下实行的摆脱教皇管辖、改革英国教会等运动,导致新教的诞生。新教即指16世纪欧洲宗教改革运动中脱离天主教而产生的新宗派。包括路德宗、加尔文宗、安立甘宗三个主要宗派,以及从中分化出来的众多支派。至20世纪90年代已分化、发展出千余个各不相同的大小派别(卓新平,2008:50-51)。


[1] 刘永上,刘玉美.高中历史必会关键词[M].广西师范大学出版社,2015.
[2] 溥奎,李胜兵.中小学生万有文库:文化·思想[M].黄山书社,2010.
[3] 卓新平.基督教小辞典[M].上海辞书出版社,2008.


1. 各种关系又归结为三种根本的关系:(1)意识对作为真理的对象或作为简单对象的真理的关系(例如,感性意识、自然宗教、伊奥尼亚哲学、天主教、极权的国家,等等);(2)作为真理的东西的意识对对象的关系(悟性、精神宗教、苏格拉底、新教、法国革命);(3)意识对作为对象的真理或作为真理的对象的真的关系(逻辑思维、思辨哲学、为精神而存在的精神)。在黑格尔那里,第一种关系也被了解为圣父,第二种关系被了解为基督,第三种关系被了解为圣灵,等等。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:163

1. This different attitude is reduced, in turn, to three cardinal relations: 1) the relation of consciousness to the object as to truth, or to truth as mere object (for example, sensual consciousness, natural religion, Ionic philosophy, Catholicism, the authoritarian state, etc.); 2) the relation of consciousness as the true to the object (reason, spiritual religion, Socrates, Protestantism, the French Revolution); 3) the true relation of consciousness to truth as object, or to the object as truth (logical thinking, speculative philosophy, the spirit as existing for the spirit). In Hegel, too, the first relation is defined as God the Father, the second as Christ, the third as the Holy Spirit, etc. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 154.


例句 1:
Although Weber’s original thesis emphasized elements of Protestantism, the concept of a Protestant Work Ethic (PWE) is now used without religious connotations to describe people who place work at or near the centre of their lives and has been studied cross-culturally in a broader scope.

例句 2:
Tianzhujiao ceased to be the general name for Christianity and became one branch of it, and the term xinjiao or New Teaching(新教)for Protestantism became popular. This was the combined result of Protestant missionaries’ efforts to raise the position of
Protestantism and of intellectual currents of reform in the late Qing period. The resulting idea that “the New is better than the Old” has had a significant influence on modern Chinese history and the Chinese understanding of religion.

例句 3:
Max Weber claimed that there was some causal relationship





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