

字词 政治解放


political emancipation; political liberation


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1958.
[2] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 486.


政治解放,亦即“公民的解放”,是马克思在《论犹太人问题》中提出的一个关键概念,指人们通过资产阶级政治革命摆脱封建专制统治而最终获得解放。1843年,马克思同布鲁诺·鲍威尔就犹太人问题进行论战。马克思在《论犹太人问题》(On the Jewish Question)一文中,对此作了专门的论述,批判鲍威尔把政治解放与人的解放等同起来的错误观点,阐明了政治解放的含义。马克思认为政治解放不同于人类解放,“政治解放是人民所排斥的那种国家制度即专制权力所依靠的旧社会的解体,即封建社会解体给人类带来的解放”(金炳华,2003:120)。马克思认为鲍威尔混淆了宗教解放、政治解放和人类解放的关系。实质上,宗教解放既不是政治解放的前提,也不会由于政治解放使人们从宗教中解放出来,政治解放后宗教依然存在;政治解放本身也不是人类解放,政治解放后所形成的新的矛盾必须在人类解放中才能克服。实质上,政治解放是国家从封建制度和宗教支配下解放出来,实现政治上的平等,它一方面使人在政治中成为公民,又一方面又使人在经济生活中变成资本主义私有制的牺牲品。政治解放的这一局限性,归根结底是由于私有制的存在造成的。只有消灭私有制和金钱的统治,消灭把人分成公民和私人的二重化,才能克服政治解放的局限性,超越政治解放,走向人类解放,最终完成无产阶级的革命任务。




1. 但并非一切都一帆风顺。“国外联合会”被年轻的革命者把持着,他们虽然不与普列汉诺夫发生争执,却对他的控制要求感到不快。而俄国国内希望把工人的斗争与争取政治解放的斗争区分开来的“经济主义者”又不断取得成功。到1900年,普列汉诺夫对考茨基迁就伯恩施坦的态度深感震惊,便主张同经济主义者断然决裂。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:69

1. But all was not plain sailing: the Union Abroad fell into the control of younger revolutionaries who, while not disagreeing with Plekhanov, resented his claim to control; and inside Russia the ‘Economists’, who wished to separate the workers’ struggle from the struggle for political emancipation, continued to enjoy success. By 1900, Plekhanov, shocked by Kautsky’s tolerant attitude to Bernstein, urged that a definitive break be made with the Economists. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 75-76.

2. 其三,马克思的历史唯物主义话语基本的思考构架是建立在理性主义的承认社会历史不断进步的观念基础之上的,否则,他不会提出从政治解放到人类彻底解放的要求。而对于建立在“有限的生产力发展”水平之上的人类原始群落生活,马克思坚信社会生产的历史发展一定会促使这些人类社会存在的初级形式解体,而解体本身再反过来促进生产力的发展。对此马克思指出:“人们先是在一定的基础上——起先是自然形成的基础,然后是历史的前提——从事劳动的。可是到后来,这个基础或前提本身就被扬弃,或者说成为对于不断前进的人群的发展来说过于狭隘的、正在消灭的前提。” ——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:208

2. Third, Marx’s historical materialism discourse builds its framework on the rationalistic recognition of social-historical progression; or else, he would not raise the issue from political liberation to complete liberation of humanity. For the primitive tribal life with “limited development of productive forces”, Marx firmly believed that historical development of social production is to promote disintegration of this primary form, which in turn advances the development of the productive forces. “Labor is only undertaken on a certain basis—first naturally evolved—then an historical presupposition. Later, however, this basis or presupposition is itself transcended, or posited as a transient one, which has become too narrow for the unfolding of the progressing human pack.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 282-283.

3. 在这个布尔乔亚王国中,一切光天化日下的社会关系都是自由、平等和博爱的。齐泽克是想说,奴役和拜物教真的消失了吗?不是。在资本主义生存中,人第一次获得了自己的表面自主性,人成为了人。可能这就是马克思曾经说过的政治解放中在消除了最后的动物性之后的“将人还给人”。可是,统治和奴役不是真的被消除,而是被更深地压抑在人的存在内部,形式上、表面上的平等、自由遮蔽着更深刻的隐性暴力。用席斯敏的话来说,叫“甜蜜的暴力”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:376-377

3. In this bourgeois kingdom, any social relation in the sun is of freedom, equality and universal fraternity. Zizek wants to ask the question: “does slavery and fetishism really disappear?” No. In the capitalist survival, man obtains superficial autonomy and becomes a man for the first time. Perhaps itis what Marx means when he says “to return man to man” after elimination of the last animality in man’s political liberation. However, control and slavery are not really erased, but repressed deeper in man's existence. The apparent equality and freedom only mask a more intense, but hidden force, namely, “sweet vio1ence.” -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 485-486.


例句 1:
As the theoretical self-conscious of modern society, modernity is bound to face “modern universal problems”. In on the Jewish Question, Marx points out that the basic reason why Bauer mistakes the accomplishment of religion criticism for human liberation lies in the fact that he does not develop the criticism of political liberation itself.

例句 2:
The greatest political wisdom of Marx was most profoundly reflected in his grasp of the joint between political emancipation and human liberation. By analyzing burgher society from the view of the law philosophy, Marx objectively and rationally discussed the historical merits and significance of political emancipation, expounded how to clear up the religion alienation, political alienation and their entanglement by political emancipation. He realized that political emancipation was not free of contradictions at all, which relentlessly exposed and criticized the historical limit and limitations of poli





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