

字词 思辨哲学


speculative philosophy


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1377.
[2] speculative philosophy.via:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/speculative_philosophy


亦译“玄思哲学”。它指不依据任何经验和实践,全凭哲学家的“纯智力”构造出一般概念和原则,并企图从概念中推出实在,使客观世界的发展服从于这些原则的哲学理论。主要代表有法国的笛卡尔、德国的莱布尼茨、沃尔弗、费希特、谢林和黑格尔等。黑格尔是思辨哲学的集大成者。他将自己讲授的逻辑学称为“思辨哲学”,并把他的“从思想的本身将思想的型式推演出来”的概念辩证法称作“思辨方法”。黑格尔在对思维的辩证研究中猜到了现实本身的某些方面,但正是在黑格尔的哲学中,正常的人类理智的形式被变成为思辨的理性形式,现实问题被变成思辨问题。思辨哲学完全颠倒了概念、原则与现实的关系。 德国唯物主义哲学家费尔巴哈曾正确地指出:“所谓的思辨哲学家,不过是这样一些哲学家,他们不是拿自己的概念去符合事物,而是相反地拿事物去附会自己的概念”(费尔巴哈,1962:526)。如费尔巴哈说,思辨哲学是从抽象到具体、由观念到实在的一种颠倒的哲学。但旧唯物主义是机械的、形而上学的,不懂得实践在认识中的作用以及思维的能动性,因而不能彻底批到思辨哲学。马克思主义哲学同思辨哲学是根本对立的。恩格斯说:“原则不是研究的出发点,而是它的最终结果;这些原则不是被用于自然界和人类历史,而是从它们中抽象出来的;不是自然界和人类去适应原则,而是原则只有在适用于自然界和历史的情况下才是正确的”(马克思等,1972:74)。


[1] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯选集(第三卷)[C].人民出版社,1972.
[2] 路德维希·安德列斯·费尔巴哈.费尔巴哈哲学著作选集(下卷)[M].三联书店,1962.


1. 笛卡儿和培根一样,认为生产形式的改变和人对自然的实际统治,是思维方法改变的结果。他的《方法论》就说明了这一点,他在该书中写道:“可以〈用他介绍到哲学中的方法〉获得一种对生活非常有益的知识,找到一种实践哲学来代替学校中所讲授的思辨哲学,借助实践哲学,我们就可以象了解我们的手工业者的各种职业一样,清楚地了解火、水、空气、星球以及我们周围的其他一切物体的力量和作用,这样我们就能在一切适合的地方利用这些力量和作用,从而使自己成为自然的主人和占有者”,并且“促进人类生活的完善”。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:428

1. That Descartes, like Bacon, anticipated an alteration in the form of production, and the practical subjugation of Nature by Man, as a result of the altered methods of thought is plain from his Discours de la Méthode. He there says: “It is possible” (by the method he introduced in philosophy) “to attain knowledge very useful in life and, in place of the speculative philosophy taught in the schools, one can find a practical philosophy by which, given that we know the powers and the effectiveness of fire, water, air, the stars, and all the other bodies that surround us, as well and as accurately as we know the various trades of our craftsmen, we shall be able to employ them in the same manner as the latter to all uses to which they are adapted, and thus as it were make ourselves the masters and the possessors of nature”, and thus “contributing to the perfection of human life”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 394.

2. 各种关系又归结为三种根本的关系:(1)意识对作为真理的对象或作为简单对象的真理的关系(例如,感性意识、自然宗教、伊奥尼亚哲学、天主教、极权的国家,等等);(2)作为真理的东西的意识对对象的关系(悟性、精神宗教、苏格拉底、新教、法国革命);(3)意识对作为对象的真理或作为真理的对象的真的关系(逻辑思维、思辨哲学、为精神而存在的精神)。在黑格尔那里,第一种关系也被了解为圣父,第二种关系被了解为基督,第三种关系被了解为圣灵,等等。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:163

2. This different attitude is reduced, in turn, to three cardinal relations: 1) the relation of consciousness to the object as to truth, or to truth as mere object (for example, sensual consciousness, natural religion, Ionic philosophy, Catholicism, the authoritarian state, etc.); 2) the relation of consciousness as the true to the object (reason, spiritual religion, Socrates, Protestantism, the French Revolution); 3) the true relation of consciousness to truth as object, or to the object as truth (logical thinking, speculative philosophy, the spirit as existing for the spirit). In Hegel, too, the first relation is defined as God the Father, the second as Christ, the third as the Holy Spirit, etc. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 154.

3. 在那里,我顺便指出了,由于他不是把经济范畴看做历史的、与物质生产的一定发展阶段相适应的生产关系的理论表现,而是荒谬地把它看做历来存在的、永恒的观念,这就表明他对科学辩证法的秘密了解得多么肤浅,另一方面又是多么赞同思辨哲学的幻想,而且,他是如何拐弯抹角地又回到资产阶级经济学的立场上去。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十六卷)》,1964:31

3. There I have shown, among other things, how little he had penetrated into the secret of scientific dialectics and how, on the contrary, he shares the illusions of speculative philosophy, for instead of regarding economic categories as the theoretical expression of historical relations of production, corresponding to a particular stage of development in material production, he garbles them into pre-existing eternal ideas, and how in this roundabout way he arrives once more at the standpoint of bourgeois economy. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 20), 1985: 29.


例句 1:
The construction of reflective philosophy of “Ego” in German classical philosophy comes through such a logical developmental process as “transcendental ego” of Kant “Active ego” of Fichte and “Absolute identity” of Schelling and arrives at the supreme and the most abstract identity in philosophy of Hegel. The construction process of reflective philosophy of “Ego” in German classical philosophy has really been the developmental history of German reflective philosophy. The disorganization of Hegel’s philosophy predicts the disorganization of the whole reflective philosophy. The essence of Marx’s philosophical revolution lies in that it presents the real ground of “transcendental ego” through practical individual and sensible and objective activity of practical individual.

例句 2:

例句 3:





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