字词 | 完整的人道主义 |
释义 | 完整的人道主义【英】the integral humanism译文来源金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1484. 定义完整的人道主义,亦称“以神为中心的人道主义”,其对立面是“以人为中心的人道主义”。法国马利坦的人道主义学说。马利坦认为,人格与人性都是上帝造成的,都是“分有上帝精神性的存在”,因而人格是“精神性的”、“独立的”。但最终人格必须皈依上帝,这是掌握人性的“真谛”(孙大吉,1985:69)。他认为“以人为中心的人道主义”着眼于世俗的人,丧失了对上帝和理想的追求,也就丧失了人性本身,因而成为了“非人的人道主义”(朱贻庭,2004:396)。这种人道主义把人看作是世界的中心和目的,把人当作一个完全的和绝对的独立主体来追求其现实利益,力图实现人对自然的控制和支配,结果使人自身被淹没在物化的世界和庞大的技术系统中,不仅使人的生存和生活条件日益非人化,而且使人本身也日益非人化(聂文军,2007:132)。要挽回这一局面,就必须建立一种新的完整的人道主义,这不仅要求我们把大自然与上帝联系在一起以真正的尊重,而且要求把每一个人作为上帝的创造物予以尊重和平等对待,并把追求人的精神和人格完善作为人道主义的价值目标(聂文军,2007:133)。它还要求真正的民主秩序,以一种真实的方式尊重人的尊严,要“重建人学”,重新发现上帝,并由此发现人类个人之尊严的更深刻、更真实的意义。完整的人道主义,从哲学上看,是要把理性和超理性统一起来;从实践上看,是要把世俗的东西和神圣的东西统一起来(陈甫金,1997:52)。 定义来源[1] 朱贻庭.伦理学小辞典[M].上海辞书出版社,2004. 例句1. 要构建程序合理、环节完整的协商民主体系,拓宽国家政权机关、政协组织、 党派团体、基层组织、社会组织的协商渠道;深入开展立法协商、行政协商、民主协商、参政协商、社会协商;发挥统一战线在协商民主中的重要作用,发挥人民政协作为协商民主重要渠道作用,完善人民政协制度体系,规范协商内容、协商程序,拓展协商民主形式,更加活跃有序地组织专题协商、对口协商、界别协商、提案办理协商,增加协商密度,提高协商成效。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:82 1. We will build a consultative democracy featuring appropriate procedures and complete segments to expand the consultation channels covering organs of state power, committees of the Chinese Peopled Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), political parties, and community-level and social organizations; conduct intensive consultations on issues relating to legislation, administration, democracy, political participation and social problems; give full play to the important role of the united front in consultative democracy, make the CPPCC serve as a major channel for conducting consultative democracy, improve the system of the CPPCC, specify the contents and procedures for consultation, diversify forms of consultative democracy, and more actively carry out orderly consultations on particular issues with those working on these issues, with representatives from all sectors of society, and with the relevant government departments on the handling of proposals, and increase the frequency of consultations to improve their effectiveness. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 91-92. 2. 1956年,《1844年手稿》第一次在《马克思恩格斯早期著作选》中用俄文全文发表。不久,该文本的中文第一版的单行本在1957年出版。当时,这个文本一纸风行,已经成为前东欧理论界的讨论焦点,特别是作为西方马克思主义思想波动外延的“新马克思主义”的一面理论旗帜而引人注目。一时间,马克思主义、社会主义与人道主义的内在关系成为一种新的逻辑指归。人道主义的社会主义被直接写进了东欧一些共产党的党纲(如前南共联盟)。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:196 2. It was not until 1956 that the 1844 Manuscript was first published in its entirety in the Russian edition of the Selected Early Works of Marx and Engels. Not long after, the Chinese edition of the Manuscript was published separately in 1957. By that time, the text had already become popular, moving to the center of the Eastern European theoretical discussion. It gained special attention as a theoretical banner of the “Neo-Marxists,” a school of thought that arose as an extension of the Western Marxism movement. All of a sudden, the relation between Marxism, socialism, and humanism took on a new logical meaning. Humanist socialism was directly written into the party manifestoes of several European communist parties (such as the League of Communists of Yugoslavia). -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 145. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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