字词 | 弗洛伊德 |
释义 | 弗洛伊德【英】Sigmund Freud译文来源[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:693. 定义弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud,1856—1939),奥地利精神病医师、心理学家,精神分析学的创立者。弗洛伊德毕业于维也纳大学,1881年获得医学博士学位,毕业前曾在德国生理学家布吕克的实验室工作,受其物理主义观点影响,认为心理能力是一种物质能力。在留学法国,他跟随法国精神病学家夏科,受到了某些疾病障碍都有性基础的观点的启发。回到维也纳后,他开始精神分析研究(冯契,2008:534)。“弗洛伊德终生从事著作和临床医学。他的思想极为深刻,探讨问题时往往引述历代文学、历史、医学、哲学、宗教等材料。他思考敏锐、分析精细、推断循回递进、构思步步趋入,揭示人们心灵的底层,这就是精神分析的内容极其丰富的根源”(罗伯特·艾伦,2014:225)。弗洛伊德以无意识概念为基础,提出人格结构由本我、自我、超我三部分构成的理论。他还从精神分析学出发,提出了一些对社会文化、道德等的看法,在西方哲学和人文学科各个领域被广泛吸收和运用,产生了巨大影响,被西方学术界誉为20世纪最伟大的思想家之一(冯契等,2008:534)。 定义来源[1] 冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2008:534. 例句1. 《里比多经济学》时期的利奥塔在精神上接近与德勒兹和加塔里,尤其是后者的《反俄狄浦斯》,(随后是它的续篇《千高原》),对待文化大师——例如弗洛伊德和马克思——以及一般的宏大叙事怀有不敬的态度。如果《里比多经济学》的基调是恶毒卑劣,那么《反俄狄浦斯》的基调则是嘲笑戏弄,但是它们都是想让作者与自己过去的思想拉开一段距离。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:174-175 1. Lyotard’s work at the time of Libidinal Economy is close in spirit to that of Deleize and Guattari’s, particularly the latter’s Anti-Oedipus (followed by its sequel A Thousand Plateaus), with its irreverent attitude to cultural heavyweights such as Freud and Marx, as well as grand narratives in general. If Libidinal Economy’s tone is vicious and nasty, that of Anti-Oedipus is mocking and playful, but just as concerned to establish a distance between the authors and the recent intellectual past. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual history, 2001: 112-113. 2. 在分析大众文化普及的同时,他们逐渐关注的另一个“上层建筑”问题是权威的本质和发展。这一考察的中心环节是对精神分析学的、尤其是对弗洛伊德的认识。尽管托洛茨基曾经对精神分析学表现过兴趣,但如果就此认为弗洛伊德的思想及其对社会变革持保守的悲观主义态度(法兰克福学派后来也持这种态度)同马克思主义有什么关联,这种见解在20世纪20年代可算是新奇的了。艾里希·弗洛姆(Erich Fromm)对弗洛伊德作了详尽的研究,但后来便脱离了法兰克福学派,也离开了正统弗洛伊德主义。但弗洛伊德对法兰克福学派思想的主要影响,却表现在该派的两部研究权威的著作中,即《权威与家庭的研究》和更为有名的《权威化人格》。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:275 2. As well as analyzing the proliferation of mass culture, the other super-structural problem on which they came to concentrate was the nature and development of authority. And essential to this investigation was some understanding of psychoanalysis, and particularly of Freud. Although Trotsky had expressed an interest in psychoanalysis, the notion that Freud’s ides with their conservative pessimism about social change (which the Frankfurt School later came to share) could have anything to say to Marxism was a novel one in the 1920s. Detailed work in Freud was done by Erich Fromm, who later left about the Frankfurt School and orthodox Freudianism; but the main impact of Freud on the thinking of the School was shown in their two studies of authority: Studies in Authority and Family and the better known Authoritarian Personality. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1988: 289. 3. 马尔库塞不同于威尔海姆·赖希(Wilhelm Reich,马尔库塞对他极少关注),他拥护弗洛伊德晚近的理论。他坚持认为,弗洛伊德的本能论完全是唯物主义的,并认为他对死的本能的看法能够洞穿现代社会的矛盾性。但是马尔库塞不是悲观主义者,在他看来,死的本能目标在于一种涅槃,即达到一种无(情)欲的状态。情欲产生于紧张,而紧张状态是阶级社会所特有的流行病。如果这种紧张状态可以缓解,那么死的本能力量也必定能够减弱。抑制死的本能和增进爱欲,只有在提倡多方式的性满足和普遍的“里比多”(性)释放的社会中才能达到。这包含废除一夫一妻制的性器官主权至上论。马尔科赛摈弃弗洛伊德关于无压抑的文明是不可能的观点。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:283 3. Unlike Wilhelm Reich (to whom Marcuse paid extraordinarily little attention) Marcuse welcomed the later doctrines of Freud. He insisted that Freud’s theory of instincts was thoroughly materialist and endorsed the idea of the death instinct as capable of penetrating the ambivalent nature of modern society. But Marcuse was not pessimistic; in his view, the death instinct aimed at a kind of Nirvana, a state of non-desire. Desire was produced by tension and tension was endemic to class society. If this tension could be reduced, then so would the power of the death instinct. The limitation of the death instinct and the enhancement of Eros could be achieved only in a society which encouraged polymorphous sexual gratification and wide spread libidinal release. This involved the abolition of monogamic genital supremacy. Marcuse rejected Freud’s view that a non-repressive civilization was impossible. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1988: 295-296. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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