

字词 局部利益


the special interest; the particular interest


[1]  Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 8) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1977: 371.
[2] Lukàcs, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1971: 73.


局部利益指地方、部门、小集体的利益。局部利益是与全局利益相联系的,两者有着密切的关系。局部与全局相互依存,没有局部就没有全局,没有全局也没有局部,两者不能相互排斥。在不同的生产资料所有制条件下,全局与局部的关系是不同的,在私有制条件下,局部利益与全局利益根本处于相互抵触的对立状态下。而在公有制条件下,人民的全局利益与地方的、部门的、小集体的局部利益,从根本上说是一致的。但在实际生活中,二者是经常发生矛盾的,但这种矛盾与旧社会不同,两者不是对抗性的。因此,社会主义的集体主义原则要求每个局部做事情,考虑问题都要从全局出发。反对把局部视为集体,不顾大局,目光短浅的本位主义、小团体主义,要大力提倡识大体、顾大局的集体主义思想(邢贲思,1994:588)。习近平在讲话中指出,“要把握和处理好当前利益和长远利益、局部利益和全局利益、个人利益和集体利益的关系,站在国家整体利益、根本利益、长远利益的立场上思考问题、推进工作,决不能局限于某个地方、某个部门的局部利益,决不能拘泥于眼前的得失”(三、敢于啃硬骨头 敢于涉险滩.via:http://theory.people.com.cn/n/2014/0704/c40531-25238084.html)。


[1] 邢贲思.《邓小平文选》大辞典[Z].中共中央党校出版社,1994.
[2] 三、敢于啃硬骨头 敢于涉险滩.via:


1. 但是这一切也许还不会有决定意义。如果斯拉夫人在他们受压迫的某一个时期开始新的革命历史,那末他们仅用这一点就足以证明自己是有生命力的。从这个时候起,革命就会要求他们求得解放,而德国人和马扎尔人的局部利益就会在欧洲革命的更重要的利益面前消失。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第六卷)》,1961:334

1. All that, however, would still not be decisive. If at any epoch while they were oppressed the Slavs had begun a new revolutionary history, that by itself would have proved their viability. From that moment the revolution would have had an interest in their liberation, and the special interest of the Germans and Magyars would have given way to the greater interest of the European revolution. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 8), 1977: 371.

2. 正是这种分裂提供了理解阶级意识的途径,就象本文前面的格言所强调的那样,阶级意识不是个别无产者的心理意识,或他们全体的群体心理意识,而是变成为意识的对阶级历史地位的感觉。这种感觉总是要在眼前的局部利益中变具体的。如果无产阶级的阶级斗争不应该回复到空想主义的初级阶段的话,那末就决不能跳过眼前的局部利益,这就是说,眼前的局部利益可能具有双重的功能:或者是通向目标的一步,或者是把目标掩盖起来。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:133

2. As we stressed in the motto to this essay the existence of this conflict enables us to perceive that class consciousness is identical with neither the psychological consciousness of individual members of the proletariat, nor with the (mass-psychological) consciousness of the proletariat as a whole; but it is, on the contrary, the sense, become conscious, of the historical role of the class. This sense will objectify in particular interests of the moment which may only be omitted at the price of allowing the proletarian class struggle to slip back into the most primitive Utopianism. Every momentary interest may have either of two functions: either it will be a step towards the ultimate goal or else it will conceal it. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 73.


例句 1:
The usage of patent acts as not only the value goal of patent system, but also a significant part of the national patent licensing strategy in the era of knowledge-based economy.

例句 2:
The local government, as a rational homooeconomicus, pays more attention to protect and implement partial and local interests in the procession of economy development.

例句 3:
As a premium of the study of the lawof science and lawof net, the trend of changes of economic interest relation can be seen in eight aspects: spiritual and material interests; overall and regional interests;international interests; interests of new industry and traditional industry; inter-business interests; interpersonal interests; national and local interests; and interests of a state and the society.





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