字词 | 垄断程度 |
释义 | 垄断程度【英】degree of monopoly译文来源田振起.英汉双向商贸词典[Z].上海交通大学出版社,2002.via: 定义垄断分为公共垄断与私人垄断两类。公共垄断指的是由一国政府直接经营或者严格监督某些企业或者行业,例如邮电、交通、通讯以及其它公共设施等等,公共垄断的部分多是私人部门不愿投资或者无力进行如此巨额投资的领域,政府兴办基础设施与公共服务项目,可以极大地便利经济的运行,为其它部门的发展创造良好的外部条件。另一类是私人垄断,指的是一家或者少数几家企业控制了某种产品或者劳务的大部分生产与销售量。它包括独占性垄断,双头垄断与寡头垄断几种类型。这里说的垄断指的就是这种私人垄断。 定义来源刘伟.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994. 例句1. 布哈林在1920 年发表的《过渡时期经济学》一书中,对战时共产主义作了经典性的理论辩护。他在分析了国家垄断资本主义的成长和作为其崩溃标志的世界大战之后,宣称革命时期难免对生产力会有最初的破坏,由此摆脱了经典马克思主义的传统认识。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:119 1. Bukharin wrote the classical theoretical defence of War Communism in his Economics of the Transition Period published in 1920. After analyzing the growth in state monopoly capitalism and the World War as a sign of its collapse, Bukharin departed from the classical Marxist tradition by proclaiming that a revolutionary period implied an initial disintegration of productive forces. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 127. 2. “后现代”科学是否存在一直是激烈争论的主题。艾伦·索卡尔(Alan Sokal)和让·布里克蒙(Jean Bricmont)——非常著名地——拒斥了“后现代科学”观念,认为我们面临的反而是一系列后现代哲学家对科学理论的全面“糟蹋”。就围绕着他们的主张所发生的争论而言,任何把马克思主义后现代化的尝试在某种程度上都必须面对索卡尔和布里克蒙的《知识欺诈》(Intellectual Impostures)。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:224 2. Whether there is any such thing as ‘postmodern’ science has been the subject of much debate. Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont have, notoriously enough, rejected the idea, arguing that what we are faced with instead is a systematic ‘abuse’ of scientific theory by an array of postmodern philosophers. Given the controversy surrounding their provocative claims, any attempt to post-modernize Marxism has to engage with Sokal and Bricmont’s Intellectual Impostures to some degree. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 143. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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