

字词 合作共赢


mutually beneficial cooperation


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 274.


合作共赢指交易各方或共事多方在完成一项交易活动或共同承担一项任务的过程中互惠互利、相得益彰,能够实现双方或多方的共同收益。“合作”是指多方互相配合做某事或共同完成一项任务;“共赢”是指合作的双方或多方能够共同获得利益(合作共赢.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900009974963&d=217B655236C12CACC2B4F481A5EA75C9)。合作共赢的意义在于,合作才能发展,合作才能共赢,合作才能有所提高。在这个竞争十分残酷激烈的市场经济时代和互联网时代,合作共赢更是顺应历史发展的选择,很多事情的成功在于合作,合作也可凸显共赢,携手共进,合作共赢是1+1,但它不等于二,而是要大于2,合作可以使双方共克时艰,共赢商机,提振信心,共同发展。社会主义市场经济的健康的发展离不开合作;规范市场经济秩序离不开合作与共赢的理念;我们要弘扬以合作与共赢为核心内容的集体主义主旋律(合作共赢.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=cJJ8jEMqQnB6mp-K1fEglNXCrpjRmzcLX7XPy-AeqA3Ce4LdDhtoo0-IHtd8ZOafz5feLS6o4k6Pr5ZTEa82qa)。


[1] 合作共赢.via:
[2] 合作共赢.via:


1. 联合国承载着各国人民的期望,肩负着诸多重大使命。当今世界正在发生深刻复杂变化,解决全球性难题和挑战,需要联合国广大会员国携手努力。联合国要抓住和平与发展的主题,高举公平正义的旗帜,讲公道话,办公道事。零和思维已经过时,我们必须走出一条和衷共济、合作共赢的新路子。在这方面,联合国应该有所作为。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:250

1. As well as its many important missions, the United Nations (UN) carries the expectations of the peoples of all countries. The world is undergoing dramatic and complex changes, and it requires the joint efforts of all UN member states to address global issues and challenges. The UN should grasp the theme of peace and development, uphold fairness and justice, and speak and act justly. The time of the zero-sum mentality is past, so we should work together for mutually beneficial cooperation instead. The UN should contribute to this. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 274.

2. 亲仁善邻,是中国自古以来的传统。亚洲和世界和平发展、合作共赢的亊业没有终点,只有一个接一个的新起点。中国愿同五大洲的朋友们携手努力,共同创造亚洲和世界的美好未来,造福亚洲和世界人民!——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:333-334

2. Promoting good neighborliness is a time-honored tradition of China. To enhance peaceful development and mutually beneficial cooperation in Asia and the world is a race that has one starting point after another and knows no finishing line. We in China are ready to join hands with friends from across the world in a concerted effort to create a bright future for both Asia and the world, and to deliver real gains to both the peoples of Asia and those of the rest of the world. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 366-367.

3. 2012年5天的美国之行,习近平出席了27场活动,同奥巴马等政界人士和经济界、民间等各方人士进行了全方位交流互动。只要中美双方始终抓住共同利益这一主线,就一定能走出一条大国之间相互尊重、合作共赢的新型伙伴关系道路——他对中美关系的殷殷期许,引起了美国各界积极反响。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:442

3. During his five-day visit to the US in 2012, Xi attended 27 events and engaged in exchanges with President Obama and other US politicians, and the public alike. “As long as both sides grasp the thread of common interests, China and the US can explore a path of new partnership in which major powers live in harmony, engage in positive interaction, and achieve mutually beneficial cooperation.” His remarks elicited positive feedback from many in the US. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 491.


例句 1:
Nowadays, under the circumstance of word multi-polarization and economic globalization, there are lots of win-win cooperation as well as some uncertain factors and challenges.

例句 2:
In reference to positive foreign experience and in association with the specific situation in China, this chapter points out that the win-win relationship between the investigative bodies and the media is achievable if the investigative bodies improve their ideology, quality and relevant systems.

例句 3:
For instance, there exists immense potential in win-win cooperation between “Chinese Dragon” and “India Elephant” who are practicing the pursuit of the dream of revival and big power by their unique strategic status both geopolitically and economically, the superior resources, and mutually strong complementarily.





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