字词 | 《不断革命论》 |
释义 | 《不断革命论》【英】The Permanent Revolution译文来源[1] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2001: 13. 定义《不断革命论》是苏联哲学家托洛茨基的代表作,阐述了他的“不断革命”思想。他把“不断革命论”概括为“互相联系的三个思想”,即民主革命到社会主义革命的不断性,社会主义革命的不断性和国际革命的不断性。在民主革命问题上,主张跳越资产阶级民主革命而直接进行社会主义革命;在社会主义革命问题上,认为革命只能是欧洲几个联合为欧洲联邦的主要国家(英、俄、德)的胜利;在国际革命的不断性问题上,认为社会主义在一国开始,但不可能在一国完成,不相信一国无产阶级有条件并有能力建成社会主义(金炳华,2003:761)。托洛茨基在书中还批判斯大林一国建成社会主义的理论,反对关于资本主义发展不平衡和社会主义可能在一国首先胜利的理论,并多次吹嘘其不断革命论对中国的影响。但托洛茨基的“不断革命”与马克思主义的不断革命论不同,他抹煞农民的革命作用,反对工农联盟,否定无产阶级对农民的领导权,否认俄国革命必须经过资产阶级民主主义革命,主张抛开农民,“跳过”农民运动,直接进行社会主义革命。认为无产阶级夺取政权后就会与农民“发生敌对的冲突”,要不断地革农民的命。托洛茨基的不断革命论思想已经被毛泽东的科学论断和中国革命所驳倒(金炳华,2003:777)。 定义来源金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003. 例句1. 后来成为著名的“不断革命论”的理论就出自这一分析。因为,在托洛茨基看来,工人阶级在俄国具有一种同其规模不相称的巨大的重要性,因为大规模工业中的工人比小企业中的工人更重要,而俄国只有大工业。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:81 1. What was later to become known as the theory ‘permanent revolution’ flowed from this analysis. For, according to Trotsky, the working class had a significance in Russia that was out of proportion to its size in that a worker in a large-scale industry was more important than a worker in a smaller enterprises - and Russian industry was nothing if not large-scale. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 88. 2. 托洛茨基接过了这些思想,并在他本人发挥了领导作用的1905年事件中加以确认,借助对当时俄国社会和政治的详细分析,从而使之理论化和系统化。这一理论框架分两部分:其一是关于综合发展和不均衡发展的社会经济理论;其二是政治上与之相对应的不断革命论。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:80 2. Trotsky took over these ideas, found them confirmed in the events of 1905, in which he himself played the leading role, and gave them a theoretical framework by means of a detailed social and political analysis of contemporary Russia. This was in two parts: a socio-economic theory of combined and uneven development, and its political counterpart of permanent revolution. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 86-87. 3. 托洛茨基对于社会主义在一国胜利的看法,由于受到斯大林的讽刺与丑化,显得有些模糊不清。斯大林把他的一国社会主义理论同托洛茨基的不断革命论对立起来,把不断革命论说成是对苏联内部前景悲观而倚重于不可靠的国外冒险活动。托洛茨基曾徒劳地抗议说,他以前关于不断革命论的思想针对的不是当前的形势,因此与这场辩论无关。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:126 3. Trotsky’s views on Socialism in One Country are somewhat obscure as they were caricatured by Stalin, who counterposed his doctrine of Socialism in One Country to Trotsky’s doctrine of Permanent Revolution and portrayed Permanent Revolution as pessimistic about the internal possibilities in the Soviet Union and putting more emphasis on unreliable adventures abroad. Trotsky in vain protested that his previous ideas on Permanent Revolution were irrelevant to present circumstances and nothing to do with the debate. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 135. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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