

字词 十六知见


The Sixteen Heretical Views of Mine



These are: (1) the ego in the self; (2) the ego in others, and the belief that the five skandhas are not the elements of living beings; (3) immortality or longevity; (4) determinism or fate; (5) being born or being able to cause events; (6) being raised by parents and being able to raise children; (7) having the categories of Buddhism, such as the five skandhas (the elements of a sentient being), the six sensory organs and six gunas (the six qualities produced by senses), the eighteen dhātu, (categories of “knowable things”; (8) being born as a human, and able to observe and practice Buddhist teachings; (9) having a healthy body with all of its capacities; (10) having power over others; (11) being able to do good and evil, thus bringing good or bad karma to future generations; (12) being able to influence others to do good or evil; (13) bearing the karma of good or evil deeds after rebirth; (14) being able to bestow the karma of good or evil deeds on others after their rebirth; (15) having five sensory organs, and thus the five qualities created by these organs; (16) and having the sense of sight, thus being able to see all things material, and hold correct or incorrect views.





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