

字词 十五大


the Party’s 15th National Congress; the 15th National Congress of the CPC; the Party’s 15th National Congress


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 83.




[1] 中共中央文献研究室.改革开放三十年重要文献选编(下)[M].中央文献出版社,2008.
[2] 王顺生等.新编中国共产党历史教程[M].高等教育出版社,2011.


1. 从党的十四大以来的20多年间,对政府和市场关系,我们一直在根据实践拓展和认识深化寻找新的科学定位。党的十五大提出“使市场在国家宏观调控下对资源配置起基础性作用”,党的十六大提出“在更大程度上发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用”,党的十七大提出“从制度上更好发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用”,党的十八大提出“更大程度更广范围发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用”。可以看出,我们对政府和市场关系的认识也在不断深化。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:76

1. Over the past two decades since the Party’s 14th National Congress we have kept searching for a new positioning for the relationship between the government and the market through practice and theoretical research. The Party’s 15th National Congress proposed that “the market plays a basic role in allocating resources under state macro control,’’ the Party’s 16th National Congress proposed to “give fuller play to the basic role of the market in allocating resources,” the Party’s 17th National Congress sought to “introduce institutions to give better play to the basic role of the market in allocating resources,” and the Party’s 18th National Congress stipulated that the Party should “leverage to a greater extent and in a wider scope the basic role of the market in allocating resources.” From the above progression it can be seen that we have been constantly deepening our understanding of the government-market relationship. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 83.

2. 全会决定坚持和发展党的十五大以来有关论述,提出要积极发展混合所有制经济,强国有资本、集体资本、非公有资本等交叉持股、相互融合的混合所有制经济,是基本经济制度的重要实现形式,有利于国有资本放大功能、保值增值、提高竞争力。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:78

2. Adhering to and furthering the relevant deliberations made since the Party’s 15th National Congress, the Decision proposes to vigorously develop the mixed-ownership economy. It stresses that such an economy, with cross-shareholding by and integration of state-owned capital, collective capital and non-public capital, is important to materialize the basic economic system of China. It will help to improve the functions of state-owned capital, maintain and increase its value and raise its competitiveness. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 86.


例句 1:
The 15th national congress of the party for the ruling law formal establishment of basic strategy of socialist legal construction has made great progress, the socialist law system with Chinese characteristics preliminary form.

例句 2:
In view of the strategic policy of “the control of large enterprises and the unhanding of small ones” put forward in the 15th Congress, this article points out that the focus of state-owned enterprises’ reform is on classified reform: To strengthen the control of state-owned enterprises, to diversify the proprietary structure, and to establish the modern enterprise mechanism in the fields controlled by stat-owned enterprises.

例句 3:
In the report of the 15th Delegate Congress of people, Chairman Jiang-Zemin brought up such a theory: carrying out the rule of law, building up a country rule by law. This is not only a new plan to administer a country, but also a





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