

字词 劳动的二重性


the duplex character of labour;dual character of labour; two-fold character of labour


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990: 339.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1989: 546.
[3] 李开荣.汉英现代科学词典[Z].中国书籍出版社,2001:194.
[4] Terrell Carver.I. Marx's two-fold character of labour [J]. Inquiry,1980(23):349




[1] 许征帆.马克思主义辞典[Z].吉林大学出版社,1987.
[2] 马克思.《资本论》(第一卷)[M].人民出版社,2004.


1. 马克思最细致的分析之一就是揭示劳动的二重性的分析。作为使用价值的创造者的劳动是与作为价值的创造者的劳动不同的特殊性质的劳动。一种是特定种类的劳动,如纺纱、织布、耕地等;另一种是人的生产活动的共同属性,是纺纱、织布、耕地等等所共有的、可以用一个共同的名词“劳动”把这一切包括进去的属性。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965: 273

1. One of the finest researches of Marx is that revealing the duplex character of labour. Labour, considered as a producer of use-value, is of a different character, has different qualifications from the same labour, when considered as a producer of value. The one is labour of a specified kind, spinning, weaving, ploughing, etc.; the other is the general character of human productive activity, common to spinning, weaving, ploughing, etc. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 339.

2. 另一方面,这个vir obscurus忽略了,就在分析商品的时候,我并不限于考察商品所表现的二重形式,而是立即进一步验证了商品的这种二重存在体现着生产商品的劳动的二重性:有用劳动,即创造使用价值的劳动的具体形式,和抽象劳动,作为劳动力消耗的劳动,不管它用何种“有用的”方式消耗(这是以后说明生产过程的基础);论证了在商品的价值形式的发展、归根到底是货币形式即货币的发展中,一种商品的价值通过另一种商品的使用价值,即另一种商品的自然形式表现出来;论证了剩余价值本身是从劳动力特有的“特殊的”使用价值中产生的,如此等等,所以在我看来,使用价值起着一种与在以往的政治经济学中完全不同的重要作用,但是——这是必须指出的——使用价值始终只是在这样一种场合才予以注意,即这种研究是从分析一定的经济结构得出的,而不是从空谈“使用价值”和“价值”这些概念和词得出的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十九卷)》,1963: 414

2. On the other hand the vir obscurus has overlooked the fact that even in my analysis of the commodity I do not come to a halt with its dual way of presenting itself, but immediately proceed to show that in this duality of the commodity there presents itself the dual character of the labour whose product it is: of useful labour, i.e. the concrete modes of the labours which create use-values, and of abstract labour, of labour as expenditure of labour power, regardless of the “useful” way in which it is expended (on which the presentation of the production process later depends); that in the development of the value form of the commodity, in the final instance its money form, and thus of money, the value of a commodity presents itself in the use-value of the other commodity, i.e. in its natural form; that surplus-value itself is derived from a “specific” use-value of labour power belonging to it exclusively, etc., etc., that, in other words, for me use-value plays an important part quite different from its part in economics hitherto, but note bene it still only comes under consideration when such a consideration stems from the analysis with regard to economic formations, not from arguing hither and thither about the concepts or words “use value” and “value”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1989: 546.


例句 1:
Marx also discloses two-fold character of labor through two-fold character of commodity to highlight the naturalness and sociality of humans, with these realistic rather than abstract humans perceived as the starting point of historical connotation logic. As an exchange mode of the abstract human labor, currency is employed to reveal the existence of realistic capitalists, namely, the “human independence based on substance dependence” which constitutes the essential contents of historical connotation logic.

例句 2:
In Capital, on the one hand, from a macroscopic view, we should do a lot of dialectical thinking for solving the practical problems in the field of political and economics, such as phenomena and essence, from the elevation of abstraction to concreteness. On the other hand, from the micro perspective, we should analyze the ontology connotations of “commodity”, “dual elements of commodity” and “labor duality”





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