

字词 关系逻辑


logic of relations; relational logic


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:471.
[2] Logic of Relations. via: http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Logic+of+Relations
[3] Relational Logic. via: http://logic.stanford.edu/intrologic/notes/chapter_06.html






1. 各种关系又归结为三种根本的关系:(1)意识对作为真理的对象或作为简单对象的真理的关系(例如,感性意识、自然宗教、伊奥尼亚哲学、天主教、极权的国家,等等);(2)作为真理的东西的意识对对象的关系(悟性、精神宗教、苏格拉底、新教、法国革命);(3)意识对作为对象的真理或作为真理的对象的真的关系(逻辑思维、思辨哲学、为精神而存在的精神)。在黑格尔那里,第一种关系也被了解为圣父,第二种关系被了解为基督,第三种关系被了解为圣灵,等等。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:163

1. This different attitude is reduced, in turn, to three cardinal relations: 1) the relation of consciousness to the object as to truth, or to truth as mere object (for example, sensual consciousness, natural religion, Ionic philosophy, Catholicism, the authoritarian state, etc.); 2) the relation of consciousness as the true to the object (reason, spiritual religion, Socrates, Protestantism, the French Revolution); 3) the true relation of consciousness to truth as object, or to the object as truth (logical thinking, speculative philosophy, the spirit as existing for the spirit). In Hegel, too, the first relation is defined as God the Father, the second as Christ, the third as the Holy Spirit, etc. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 154.

2. 马克思在即将结束这种理论逻辑说明之前作了一个声明:“有必要对唯心主义的叙述方法作一纠正,这种叙述方法造成一种假象,似乎探讨的只是一些概念的规定和这些概念的辩证法”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:560

2. Just before completing this explanation of theoretical logic, Marx declares: “It will be necessary later, before this question is dropped, to correct the idealist manner of the presentation, which makes it seem an if it were merely a matter of conceptual determinations and of the dialectic of these concepts.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics: 2014: 444.


例句 1:
In this chapter, the author, by the path of subjective public rights remedy, demonstrates the inherent relationship, among the subjective public rights, administrative procedural rights, procedural appeal, and the administrative decision, are highly consistent in the logic as well as in the contents.

例句 2:
Social evaluation governance strategy was introduced to study the social management path for public hospitals. On the basis of definition of social governance and social evaluation theory, clarification of the concepts and relationship logic of public hospital’s social evaluation, and analysis of the context analysis of their social evaluation policy, the paper discussed the establishment of social evaluation and governance theory logic framework of public hospitals. In terms of such realization paths as the purposes, indexes, entities, and methods of the evaluation, as well as result release and application of the evaluation, recommendations were made.





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