

字词 公务员


public servant; civil servant; public assistant


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:682.
[2] Report on the Work of Government, 2016. via:
[3] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 259.


公务员(public servant, civil servant, public assistant),指在政府部门工作的人员,具体解释因国而异。在中国,公务员是指依法履行公职、纳入国家行政编制、由国家财政负担工资福利的工作人员。在西方国家,“公务员”一般是指通过非选举程序而被任命担任政府职务的国家工作人员。世界各国现代公务员制度对待公务员的划分大致可以分为三类,一是小范围的公务员,以英国为代表;二是中等范围的公务员,以美国为代表;三是大范围的公务员,以法国为代表。1994年8月19日,中国中央国家机关首次招考公务员(《公务员》,via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5338620-5574061.html)。根据《中华人民共和国公务员法》的规定:国家行政机关录用担任主任科员以下及其相当职务层次的非领导职务公务员,采取公开考试、严格考查、平等竞争、择优录取的办法。也就是说应届毕业生要进入公务员队伍,需要参加统一考试(《公务员》,via: http://bfts.5read.com/pdf/8E/8E2CD2AC642D2A83ED299D62CC8F211C254-263)。


[1] 公务员.via:
[2] 公务员.via:


1. 首先,斯大林以后的苏联已允许一个新的特权阶层存在。这个阶层由党的官员、公务员、知识分子等组成,这个阶层甚至被集合表述为“资产阶级专政”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:246

1. Firstly, a new privileged stratum had been allowed to emerge in post-Stalin Russia. It consisted of Party officials, civil servants, intellectuals, etc., who could even collectively be described as a ‘bourgeois dictatorship’. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 259.

2. 政府工作人员要恪尽职守、夙夜在公,主动作为、善谋勇为。深入践行“三严三实”, 增强政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,加强作风和能力建设,打造高素质专业化的公务员队伍。——《2016年政府工作报告》,2016

2. Government workers must take an active approach to their work, carry out effective planning and decisive implementation, fulfill all their duties, and work tirelessly in service of the public We will practice the Three Stricts and Three Honests; become more aware of the need to uphold political integrity, keep in mind the bigger picture, follow the CPC as the core of the Chinese leadership, act consistently with CPC Central Committee policy; and improve conduct and competence in order to become a contingent of top-performing public servants with a good command of professional expertise. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2016, 2016.


例句 1:
The issue of public servant law pushes people’s concern about the civil service system to a new level.

例句 2:
Range of central and local civil servants resurface silently or in different places, even with promotion. The disorder phenomena of led to a variety of arguments, frequently exposed by the media. Civil servants comeback mechanism with the accountability system gains increasing attentions.

例句 3:
Currently, as an important part of civil servant system, civil servants ethics construction which can ensure the government’s credibility, protect the personal interests of civil servants, and meet the needs of the administrative objects, has been valued and respected all over the world.





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