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Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 144.




[1] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷)[M].人民出版社,1974.
[2] 王冰.马克思关于价格的相关理论及其市场经济意义[J].经济评论,2007(4).


1. 第四,推动能源体制革命,打通能源发展快车道。坚定不移推进改革,还原能源商品属性,构建有效竞争的市场结构和市场体系,形成主要由市场决定能源价格的机制,转变政府对能源的监管方式,建立健全能源法治体系。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:131

1. Fourth, we must revolutionize the energy market. We will proceed with reform, restore energy’s status as a commodity, build a system of workable competition, and put in place a mechanism in which energy prices are largely driven by the market. In addition, we will change the way that the government supervises the energy industry, and establish and improve the legal framework for energy development. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 144.

2. 马斯洛夫用他对土地肥力递减这一“自然规律”所持的彻底资产阶级的观点,究竟把地租理论丑化到了什么地步,从下面这段马斯洛夫用黑体刊出的话中也可以看得很清楚,他说,“如果在同一块土地上连续投资,实行集约经营,能够有同样的生产效率,那么争夺新土地的竞争就会马上消失,因为除了生产费用外,运输费用也是要加在粮食价格上的。——《列宁全集(第十六卷)》,1988:270-271

2. The degree to which Maslov mutilates the theory of rent from his purely bourgeois point of view of the “natural law” of diminishing returns can be seen from the following tirade, which he gives in italics: “If successive outlays of capital on the same plot of land, leading to intensive farming, were equally productive, the competition of new lands would immediately disappear; for the cost of transport affects the price of grain in addition to the cost of production”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works of Lenin (Vol. 13), 1978: 306.

3. 资本的积累扩大分工,而分工则增加工人的人数;反过来,工人人数的增加扩大分工,而分工又增加资本的积累。一方面随着分工的扩大,另一方面随着资本的积累,工人日益完全依赖于劳动,依赖于一定的、极其片面的、机器般的劳动。随着工人在精神上和肉体上被贬低为机器,随着人变成抽象的活动的胃,工人越来越依赖于市场价格的一切波动,依赖于资本的运用和富人的兴致。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷)》,1979:52

3. The accumulation of capital increases the division of labour, and the division of labour increases the number of workers. Conversely, the number of workers increases the divisions of labour, just as the division of labour increases the accumulation of capital. With this division of labour on the one hand and the accumulation of capital on the other, the worker becomes ever more exclusively dependent on labour, and on a particular, very one-sided, machine-like labour at that. Just as he is thus depressed spiritually and physically to the condition of a machine and from being a man becomes an abstract activity and a belly, so he also becomes ever more dependent on every fluctuation on market price, on the application of capital, and on the whim of the rich. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1987: 237-238.


例句 1:
Academic economics appeared in the middle of 17 century and ended at the beginning of 19 century. It reflected the interest of industrial capital during the establishment and arising of capitalism. In order to prove the advantage of capitalist mode of production, they thought it necessary to discuss the nature and law of capitalist production behind the field of circulation described by business-preferred economists. On value, they thought it necessary to search natural base of price through the phenomenon of circulation. Therefore, they discovered labor is the source of value.

例句 2:
Exchange rate (foreign currency “price” expressed in local currency) fluctuates up and down around the ratio of the value (embodied in precious metals parity) that the two currencies include or represent; When foreign currency shortage, it’s price (“price” of foreign currencies expressed in local currency, the exchange rat





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