字词 | 入境旅行文件生物识别问题 |
释义 | 入境旅行文件生物识别问题【英】Travel Documents Bio-Metrics译文来源https://www.treasury.gov/press-center/press-releases/Pages/jl0485.aspx 例句1. 入境旅行文件生物识别问题:中国公安部和美国国土安全部确认将继续就入境旅行文件中所涉生物识别问题的最佳做法进行交流。——《《第五轮中美战略与经济对话框架下战略对话具体成果清单》》 1. Travel Documents Bio-Metrics: Affirmed the intention of DHS and the MPS Bureau of Exit-Entry Administration (BEEA) to continue the exchange of best practices in the use of bio-metrics in travel documents used at points of entry.—Quoted from U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue Outcomes of the Strategic Track |
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