字词 | 工业集中 |
释义 | 工业集中【英】concentration of industry译文来源Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 22) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 209. 定义垄断竞争的现象之一,指的是少数几家大企业在某产业中的产量或销售量等占相当大的份额的情况,因此,工业集中相当于寡头垄断。(刘伟,1994:20) 定义来源[1] 刘伟.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994. 例句1. 因此,1900年的危机引起的工业集中,其程度远远超过了1873年的危机。1873年的危机虽然也起了一种淘汰作用,使一些较好的企业保存下来,但是在当时的技术水平下,这种淘汰并没有能够使那些顺利地度过危机的企业获得垄断地位。——《列宁全集(第二十七卷)》,1990:345 1. As a consequence of this the crisis of 1900 resulted in a far greater concentration of industry than the crisis of 1873: the latter crisis also produced a sort of selection of the best-equipped enterprises, but owing to the level of technical development at that time, this selection could not place the firms which successfully emerged from the crisis in a position of monopoly. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 22), 1974: 209. 2. 这里的农产品总值是夸大了的,因为一部分农产品,例如饲料,被重复计入了畜牧业产值。但是,无论如何可以得出一个无可怀疑的结论,就是美国近的工业集中在北部,工业在这个地区比农业占优势。相反,南部和西部则基本上是农业地区。——《列宁全集(第二十七卷)》,1990:154 2. The total crop value is here overstated because a part of the crops, such as feed, recurs in the value of the livestock products. But in any case these figures show conclusively that almost five-sixths of American manufacture is concentrated in the North, and that manufacture prevails over agriculture in that section. The South and the West, on the contrary, are predominantly agricultural. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 22), 1974: 23. 3. 从上表可以看出,最大企业的数量增加了,它们的工人人数和生产总额也增加了,在正式登记的“工厂”的全体工人和全部生产总额中占了愈来愈大的比重。也许有人会向我们提出,既然工业集中了,那就是说大企业排挤小企业,小企业数量在减少,因此企业总数也随之减少。——《列宁全集(第四卷)》,1984:23 3. It can be seen from this table that the number of very large establishments is increasing, as well as the number of workers employed and the value of the output, which constitute an ever greater proportion of the total number of workers and the total value of the output of officially registered “factories.” The objection may be raised that if a concentration of industry is taking place, it means that big establishments are squeezing out the smaller, whose number and, consequently, the total number of establishments, is decreasing. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1977: 29. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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