字词 | 权威 |
释义 | 权威 【英】authority译文来源[1]金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1149. 定义源于拉丁文auetoritas,含有尊严、力量、权力的意思。权威与权利不同,权威不是某些具体的人或组织之间的社会关系,它是在实践中产生的最有威望、最有支配作用的力量(孙关宏等,2012:36)。某一个人、某种观点或某种组织,由于一定的品质、功绩,或由于其内容的适用性,被社会所公认,都具有权威的意义。权威是一种正当性,权威告诉人们什么是对、什么是错。权威是社会实践发展不可缺少的重要条件。在现代化大生产中,如果没有一个权威性的统一指挥、必要的规章制度、一定的纪律和秩序,以及一定的服从,就不能进行正常的生产活动。恩格斯指出:“一方面是一定的权威,不管它是怎样造成的,另一方面是一定的服从,这二者,不管社会组织怎样,在产品的生产和流通赖以进行的物质条件下,都是我们所必需的”(马克思等,1972:553)。在阶级社会,统治阶级依靠国家政权,迫使被统治阶级服从它的政治权威。被统治阶级为了争得解放,以革命手段反对统治阶级的反动政治权威。革命就是被剥削阶级为了自身的解放,采用非常权威的手段强迫另一部分人接受自己的意志,维持自己的统治,保卫自己争得的成果。“革命无疑是天下最权威的东西”(马克思等,1972:554)。无产阶级的革命权威是无产阶级意志和力量的体现。无产阶级的国家权力机构、法律和规章制度是最具有权威的,是保证革命和建设的重要手段。无产阶级革命领袖是无产阶级革命权威的代表。革命权威是在革命斗争中产生和形成的。然而,无产阶级革命领袖必须防止滥用权威,否则就会造成个人专断,个人崇拜,给无产阶级革命和建设事业造成严重损失。 定义来源[1]马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯选集(第二卷)[C].人民出版社,1972. 例句1. 再往前追溯至新中国成立以来60多年我国宪法制度的发展历程,我们可以清楚地看到,宪法与国家前途、人民命运息息相关。维护宪法权威,就是维护党和人民共同意志的权威。捍卫宪法尊严,就是捍卫党和人民共同意志的尊严。保证宪法实施,就是保证人民根本利益的实现。只要我们切实尊重和有效实施宪法,人民当家作主就有保证,党和国家事业就能顺利发展。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:137 1. From the implementation of the Constitution over the past 60-plus years since the founding of the Peopled Republic in 1949, we can see that the Constitution is closely bound up with the future of the country and the destiny of the people. Safeguarding the authority of the Constitution is safeguarding the authority of the common will of the Party and the people. Upholding the dignity of the Constitution is upholding the dignity of the common will of the Party and the people. Ensuring the implementation of the Constitution is ensuring the peopled fundamental interests. As long as we respect and implement the Constitution the people will be able to be masters of the country, and the cause of the Party and the state will be able to progress smoothly. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 151. 2. 在充分肯定成绩的同时,我们也要看到存在的不足,主要表现在:保证宪法实施的监督机制和具体制度还不健全,有法不依、执法不严、违法不究现象在一些地方和部门依然存在;关系人民群众切身利益的执法司法问题还比较突出;一些公职人员滥用职权、失职渎职、执法犯法甚至徇私枉法严重损害国家法制权威;公民包括一些领导干部的宪法意识还有待进一步提高。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:137 2. While fully affirming our achievements, we should also be aware of our shortcomings: The oversight mechanisms and pertinent systems to ensure the implementation of the Constitution are not yet complete; laws are not properly observed or strictly enforced, and lawbreakers are not prosecuted by some local regions and government agencies; problems concerning the people’s direct interests remain prominent in law enforcement and jurisdiction; abuse of power, malfeasance and dereliction of duty by government employees, and lawbreaking by law-enforcement personnel for personal gain have seriously damaged the authority of the national legal system; and awareness of the need to observe the Constitution among citizens and some officials needs to be further enhanced. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 152. 3. 不过,施蒂纳此处的分析有两点有一定的可取之处。一是他揭露资产阶级出版自由的本质实际上是资产阶级的自由。他发现,资产阶级只是在书报检查官的压制是个人的任意专横时才对其反抗,而对于通过资产阶级自己的“‘出版法’来施行压制,却是表示接受和赞同的。也就是说市民阶级的自由主义者只是要写作本身的自由,因为他们是合法的,……只有自由主义者的东西,亦只有合法的东西才能付印”。代替权威的东西是法律,人们将接受一切法律的形式的奴役。他深刻地指出,资产阶级实质上是要求一种“非个人的统治者”。这种批判线索在20世纪法兰克福学派的意识形态批判中得以承袭。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:380 3. However, Stirner makes two valid points here. First, he reveals that the essence of bourgeois freedom of the press was a freedom only reserved for the bourgeoisie. He discovers that the bourgeoisie only resists when the newspaper and book censors oppress arbitrarily. At the same time, the bourgeoisie is “extremely inclined and willing to tyrannize over the press by ‘press laws;’ i.e. the civic liberals want liberty of writing for themselves; for, as they are law-abiding, their writings will not bring them under the law. Only liberal matter, i.e. only lawful matter, is to be allowed to be printed.” Law replaces authority, and man submits himself to slavery in a legal form. Stirner piercingly points out that what bourgeois society demands is an “inhuman ruler.” This critical line of thought was inherited by the 20th century Frankfurt School, in its critique of ideology. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 293. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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