

字词 本体论




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:165.
[2] Ontology. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontology




[1] 李善平,尹奇韡,胡玉杰,郭鸣,付相君.本体论研究综述[J].计算机研究与发展,2004(7).
[2] 欧阳康,张明仓.马克思本体论批判的价值取向及其当代意义[J].中国社会科学,2002(6).


1. 从传统本体论的角度看,如果没有事物的类属与具体差别性的客观存在,就不可能出现人对自然对象的意识;而从认识论的意义上看,如果没有我们对事物具体种差的经验直观认识,也就不可能先验地获得经验背后的理性观念(事物类属的反映)。黑格尔颠倒了这种正常的现实关系和认知关系,他错误地将人的认识进程本体化为世界的客观进程,错误地将人类的主观认知结构硬化为世界的本质和规律(逻辑)。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:275

1. From the perspective of traditional ontology, if there is no categorization of things or particular, differentiated objective existence, then man cannot be conscious of natural objects. From the perspective of epistemology, if there is no empirical, perceptual understanding of the concrete categories of things, then we cannot grasp, a priori, the rational idea (the reflection of the categories of things) behind experience. Hegel reversed the normal, real, and cognitive relationships, incorrectly noumenizing the progression of man’s understanding into the objective progression of the world, incorrectly foisting mankind’s subjective cognitive structure into the essence and laws (logic) of the world. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 209.

2. 所以,当施密特指出,“社会实践的具体性”是马克思哲学新视域的真正对象和出发点时,他无疑是正确的。当施密特进一步指出,马克思哲学革命的意义在于取消了一切抽象的本体论时,他的确是深刻的。一言以蔽之,马克思不仅否定观念本体论,也否定了费尔巴哈抽象的物质和人的本体论,最后还否定了赫斯和他自己原来那种抽象的实践和劳动的本体论!马克思在此否定了一切逻辑本体论。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:330

2. Thus Schmidt was most certainly correct to point out that “the concreteness of social practice” was the true object and point of origin of Marx’s new philosophical worldview; Schmidt gives profound analysis when he goes on to point out that the significance of the revolution in Marx’s philosophy was in its abolition of all abstract ontology. To summarize, Marx not only refutes the ontology of the idea, but also Feuerbach’s ontology of abstract material and man, finally refuting Hess and his own prior ontology of abstract practice and labor. Marx here refutes all logical ontologies. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 253.

3. 我觉得,列宁后来认为马克思主义哲学不是历史唯物主义,而是历史唯物主义时,他是正确的。后来,当海德格尔说,马克思真正结束了一切形而上学本体论时,他也从界外的一个层面读懂了马克思。可是,我们学界那些至今还在鼓吹非历史的实践哲学和实践人道主义的同志,真的读懂马克思的科学文本了吗?常言道,人一思想,上帝就发笑。面对 我们这些“实践哲学”、“实践人道主义”者,马克思可能只有无奈地苦笑:150年了!——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:338

3. I believe that Lenin was correct in his later belief that Marxist philosophy was not historical materialism, but rather historical materialism. Later, when Heidegger said that Marx truly ended all metaphysical ontology, he was also understanding Marx at a level that existed outside this boundary. However, have those in our field who continue to advocate ahistorical practical philosophy and practical humanism truly understood Marx’s scientific texts? It is often said that every time man tries to think, God starts to laugh. Looking down on these “practical philosophers” and “practical humanists,” I can only imagine that Marx is laughing bitterly to himself, exclaiming: “150 years later and they still don’t understand!” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 259.


例句 1:
Ontology is a hot field in the basic theoretical research of western philosophy. It is just on the basis of criticizing the traditional western philosophical ontology that Marx founded the new ontology and the new world view, thus realizing his revolution on philosophy.

例句 2:
Ontology is the cornerstone of the philosophical system, it runs through the entire system of philosophy which is always to determine the philosophy of research.

例句 3:
Social essence is confrontation and as an ontological dimension of society, the significance of politics is to construct the politics of mass democracy.





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