

字词 政府法律顾问制度


legal consultation system for government; system of government legal advisors


[1]Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. via:


政府法律顾问制度是指政府聘请具有法律执业能力的人员担任法律顾问,参与政府相关事务,以提高政府依法执政水平的制度安排。政府法律顾问制度起源于西方资本主义国家,在推进各国治理体系与治理能力现代化进程中扮演着非常重要的角色。我国自上世纪80年代开始该制度的试点工作,这些年来已经取得了初步的成效。我国政府法律顾问制度的实践探索大致可分为三个阶段:第一阶段是肇始阶段,时间是上世纪八十年代到上世纪末。1988年9月,深圳市正式成立市政府法律顾问室,堪称我国政府法律顾问制度的开端。1999年4月,上海浦东新区28名公务员领取了公职律师执业证书,标志着我国第一批公职律师诞生。同年6月,吉林省组建了全国首家省级政府法律顾问团,切实提升了我国政府法律顾问制度的实践层级。第二阶段是推进阶段,时间是本世纪初到十八大。2002年司法部出台了《关于开展公职律师试点工作的意见》,2004年国务院出台了《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》。这两个文件的相继出台,为我国政府法律顾问制度建设提供了强大的源动力,福建、云南、海南等省着手迎头赶上。第三阶段是深化阶段,时间是十八大至今。随着国务院《关于加强法治政府的意见》等文件的出台,特别是党的十八大和十八届三中全会、四中全会提出“普遍建立政府法律顾问制度”的战略部署,贵州、湖北、重庆、湖南、陕西等内陆省份也紧锣密鼓地开展起该项工作,全国各地纷纷按照中央要求积极创建省、市、县、乡全部覆盖的政府法律顾问制度体系。目前,我国约有23500名律师受聘担任各级政府部门的法律顾问,占律师总数的1 /10。多个省份构建了省、市、县三级政府法律顾问体系(宋智敏,2015:52、53)。




1. 各级政府及其工作人员要严格遵守宪法和法律,自觉运用法治思维和法治方式推动工作,法定职责必须为,法无授权不可为。积极推行政府法律顾问制度。深入推进政务公开,充分发挥传统媒体、新兴媒体作用,利用好网络平台,及时回应社会关切,使群众了解政府做什么、怎么做。各级政府要依法接受同级人大及其常委会的监督,自觉接受人民政协的民主监督,接受社会和舆论监督,让权力在阳光下运行。——《2016年政府工作报告》

1. Governments at all levels and all their employees must take the lead in strictly abiding by the Constitution and other laws and conscientiously apply rule of law thinking and approaches in their work; they must carry out all statutory functions and duties and may not do anything not authorized by law. We will actively promote the legal consultation system for government. We will intensify efforts to make government operations more open by making use of both traditional and new media including the Internet to respond in a timely manner to social concerns and inform the public about what the government is doing and how. We in governments at all levels must, as required by law, subject ourselves to the oversight of the people’s congresses at the same levels and their standing committees, and we should willingly subject ourselves to the democratic oversight of CPPCC committees, public oversight, and public opinion-based oversight, so as to exercise power in an open and transparent way. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016.


例句 1:
The system of government legal adviser originated in the west, which plays a very important role in construction of Law-based Government and optimizing the social governance. China began to implement the system since the eighty’s of last century, which has made some achievements, but there are also uneven development, imperfect operation participation, not strong independence and other issues.

例句 2:
To perfect government legal adviser system is the objective requirement of comprehensively promoting “rule by law”, the need of deeply advancing administration by law and speed up the building of government by law. The government should increase mainly about discovering and preventing, accurately locate the relationship between the lawyers as the advisers and the government, in order to ensure the independence of the lawyers as the advisers.

例句 3:





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