

字词 标语行政
释义 administration through slogans
“标语行政”一词最早见于2012年2月8日《法制日报》一篇题为“依法治国应拒绝‘标语行政’”的文章,说海南省人口计生系统将用一年时间优化(improve,这里不宜用optimize一词)户外宣传标语,使标语内容更趋人性化(more humanistic)。例如,不少生硬的关于计划生育的宣传标语,多年来一直为人们所诟病(denounce),其中最突出的问题是缺乏人性化,堪称“野蛮标语(uncivilized slogan)”,如“少生孩子多养猪(Raise fewer kids but more pigs)。”
这还属于比较平和的,还有更加恶劣的,如:“坚决打击躲生偷生,躲得过初一,躲不过十五(Resolute measures shall be taken against giving births by hiding in other places or stealthily in other ways. You may hide today but not forever)!”“喝药不夺瓶,上吊不解绳,跳河不拉人(You can commit suicide in whatever ways you can think of and we won't try to prevent you when you are punished because of unplanned birth)!”
“失火烧山、牢底坐穿(You'll have to sit in the prison forever if you have the mountain forest burnt through carelessness)。”
“爱护公共卫生长命百岁,随地乱丢垃圾死儿绝女!”(Those who care for public hygiene will live a long life, and those who litter randomly will have no offspring)!”
“民警提示:一日行窃,终生是贼(Tips from the police: You'll be a thief all your life once you commit theft)。”
“强奸不如嫖娼(Visiting a prostitute is preferable than committing a rape)。”
“野蛮标语”盛行,反映了一些地方执政水平不高、能力不强的深层次问题。一是民本意识的缺位(lack of the notion of people being the most important)。制作“野蛮标语”的官员,以为自己是来“治民(govern the people)”的,老百姓只有服从的份儿(They are born to obey),于是把自己看成是高踞于群众头上的霸主(lord high above the masses),用野蛮标语来吓唬群众,完全颠倒了官民关系。“野蛮标语”的内容,有的是对法律断章取义(quote out of context),有的完全违反法律,却打着法的旗号吓人。“野蛮标语”凸显的是“暴力治民(governing though violence)”、“恶人治村(vicious people governing the village)”思维,必须清除,取代以文明的标语。还有一种“标语行政”的表现是,上级有什么新的精神,不是认真研究如何落实(be implemented),而是在墙上刷几条大标语就算完事,也是需要改正的。




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