释义 |
阑lán ㄌㄢ 1.同“栏 1.” Same as “栏 1.” [阑干 -gān]1.纵横交错,参差错落 across; crisscross:星斗~~ xīngdǒu-lángān Stars stud the sky crisscross. 2.同“栏”字条“栏杆” Same as “栏杆” under entry of “栏” 2.同“拦” Same as “拦” 3.尽,晚 (of time) late:夜~人静 yèlán-rénjìng in the still of the mid night; in the dead hours of the mid night [阑珊 -shān]衰落,衰残 coming to an end; waning[阑入-rù]进入不应进去的地方,混进 enter a place that is forbidden to one |