

释义 (鑒、*鑑)jiàn
1.镜子 mirror ext. 可以做为警戒或引为教训的事 sth. that can serve as warning or lesson:前车之覆,后车之~ qián chē zhī fù, hòu chē zhī jiàn The overturned cart ahead is a warning to the ones behind/ 引以为~ yǐnyǐwéijiàn draw a lesson (from a mistake, etc.); take warning [鉴戒 -jiè]可以使人警惕的事情 warning; object lesson
2.照 reflect; mirror:光可~人 guāngkě-jiànrén the surface is so finished that it can reflect a man's image
3.观看,审察 inspect; examine:~定 jiàndìng appraisal; appraise/ ~赏 jiànshǎng appreciate/ ~别真伪 jiànbié zhēnwěi discriminate the true from the false/ 某某先生台~(书信用语) mǒumǒu xiānsheng táijiàn (used in letters) Dear Mr. so-and-so, may I draw your attention to the following [鉴于 -yú]看到,觉察到 in view of; seeing that:~~旧的工作方法不能适应需要,于是创造了新的工作方法 Jiànyú jiù de gōngzuò fāngfǎ bù néng shìyìng xūyào, yúshì chuàngzàole xīn de gōngzuò fāngfǎ. Seeing that the old way of working was not suited to the situation, they created a new working method




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