释义 |
野(*埜)yě ㄧㄝˇ 1.郊外,村外 open country, areas out of village:~营 yěyíng camp/ ~地 yědì wild country [野战军 -zhànjūn]适应广大区域机动作战的正规军 field army, a regular army that adapts to mobile operations in vast areas [分野 fēn-]划分的范围,界限 divided limit, boundary 2.指不当政的地位 not in power:朝~ cháoyě the government and the public/ 下~ xiàyě be compelled to resign/ 在~ zàiyě be out of office 3.不讲情理;没有礼貌,蛮横 irrational; impolite; rude; rough:撒~ sāyě behave rudely/ 粗~ cūyě boorish 4.不驯顺,野蛮 untamed; wild:狼子~心(狂妄狠毒的用心) lángzǐ-yěxīn A wolf cub has a wild disposition (wild, vicious intention). 5.不受约束或难于约束 unrestrained or unruly:~性 yěxìng wild nature/ 这孩子心都玩~了 Zhè háizi xīn dōu wánr yě le. The child had such a wonderful time that he became wild and couldn't concentrate on his school work. 6.不是人所驯养或培植的(动物或植物) (of plants or animals) not cultivated or domesticated:~兽 yěshòu beast; wild animals/ ~草 yěcǎo weeds |