释义 |
金jīn ㄐㄧㄣ 1.一种金属元素,符号 Au,通称“金子”。黄赤色,质软,是一种贵重的金属 aurum; gold, a valuable soft yellow metal, commonly called jīnzi; symbol: Au. 2.金属,指金、银、铜、铁等,具有光泽、延展性,容易传热和导电 metals such as gold, silver, copper, iron, etc, which are shiny, can be shaped by pressure, and can pass an electric current or heat:五~ wǔjīn the five metals (gold, silver, copper, iron, and tin)/ 合~ héjīn alloy 3.钱 money:现~ xiànjīn ready money; cash/ 奖~ jiǎngjīn money award; bonus/ 基~ jījīn fund |