释义 |
茎(莖)jīnɡ ㄐㄧㄥ 1.常指植物的主干。它起支撑作用,又是养料和水分运输的通道。有些植物有地下茎,并且发生各种变态,作用是储藏养料和进行无性繁殖 stem, usu. the central part of the plant above the ground, which supports the other parts, and through which nutrients and water are conveyed. Some plants have underground stems of various metamorphosis, which function in storing nutrients and asexual reproduction. 2.量词 meas. 用于长条形的东西 for long, slim things:数~小草 shù jīng xiǎo cǎo a few small blades of grass/ 数~白发 shù jīng báifà a few white hairs |