

释义 (對)duì
1.答话,回答 answer; respond:无词可~ wúcíkěduì have nothing to say in reply/ ~答如流 duìdá-rúliú answer questions without hesitation
2.向着 facing:面~太阳 miànduì tàiyáng facing the sun [对象 -xiàng]1.思考或行动(如研究、批评、攻击、帮助等等)所及的事物或人 target; object 2.特指恋爱的对方 esp. boyfriend or girlfriend
3.对面的 opposing; the opposite:~门 duìmén (of two houses) face each other; the building or room opposite/ ~岸 duì'àn across the river; the opposite bank
4.互相 mutual:~调 duìdiào exchange/ ~流 duìliú convection [对比 -bǐ]不同的事物放在一块比较 compare different things or people; contrast [对照 -zhào]不同的事物放在一块,互相比较参照 compare; contrast
5.介词,跟,和 prep. with; to:可以~他说明白 kěyǐ duì tā shuō míngbɑi can make it clear to him/ ~人很和气 duì rén hěn héqi be amiable to others
6.介词,对于,说明事物的关系 prep. concerning; with regard to:我~这件事情还有意见 Wǒ duì zhè jiàn shìqing hái yǒu yìjiàn. I still have some different opinions with regard to this matter./ 他~祖国的历史很有研究 Tā duì zǔguó de lìshǐ hěn yǒu yánjiū. He is an expert in the history of our motherland.
7.对待,看待,对付 treat; counter:他~我很客气 Tā duì wǒ hěn kèqi. He treats me politely./ 刀~刀,枪~枪 dāo duì dāo, qiāng duì qiāng sword against sword and spear against spear [对得起 -deqǐ][对得住 -dezhù]不亏负 not let sb down; treat sb fairly
8.照着样检查 check against; compare; identify:~笔迹 duì bǐjì identify the handwriting/ 校~ jiàoduì proof-read; proof
9.相合,适合 fit:~劲 duìjìnr suit one; be to one's liking/ ~症下药 duìzhèng-xiàyào prescribe the right remedy for an illness [对头 -tóu]1.相合 get on well 2.(-tou)互相对立,有仇恨的人,合不来的人 enemy; opponent
10.正确 correct:这话很~ Zhè huà hěn duì. What you have said is quite true. ext. 用作答语,表示同意 used as a reply, indicating agreement:~,你说得不错 Duì, nǐ shuō de bùcuò. Right, what you have said is true!
12.双,成双的 pair; couple:~联 duìlián pair; couplet (written on scrolls, etc)/ 配~ pèiduì pair; make a pair ext. 1.(-子 -zi、 -儿 -r)联语 a pair of antithetical phrases, etc.:喜~ xǐduì wedding couplets; wedding scrolls 2.平分,一半 half and half; fifty-fifty:~开 duìkāi divide into two halves; go fifty-fifty/ ~成 duìchéng one half
12.搀和(多指液体) mix (usu. liquid):~水 duìshuǐ add some water into sth.




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