

释义 fēnɡ
1.密闭 seal:~瓶口 fēng píngkǒu seal a bottle/ ~河(河面冻住) fēnghé The rivers have frozen over. [封锁 -suǒ]采取军事、政治、经济等措施使跟外界断绝联系 block or seal off:~~港口 fēngsuǒ gǎngkǒu blockade a port/ ~~消息 fēngsuǒ xiāoxi block the passage of information/ 军事~~线 jūnshì fēngsuǒxiàn military blockade
2.(-儿 -r)封起来的或用来封东西的纸袋、纸包 envelope; wrapper:信~ xìnfēng envelope/ 赏~ shǎngfēng an envelope with money reward sealed in; an enveloped money reward
3.古代帝王把土地或爵位给予亲属、臣属 (of ancient kings) grant title and territories to their family members, relatives and nobles:~侯 fēnghóu grant titles to the nobles [封建社会 -jiàn shèhuì]地主阶级依靠土地所有权和反动政权残酷剥削、统治农民的社会制度 feudal society,a social system in which the landlord class deprive and rule the peasantry because they have land ownership and a reactionary regime




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