释义 |
古ɡǔ ㄍㄨˇ 1.时代久远的,过去的,跟“今”相反 ancient; age-old; antonym of "jīn (present day)" ( comb. -老 -lǎo ancient):~书 gǔshū ancient books/ ~迹 gǔjì sight of historical interest/ ~为今用 gǔwéi-jīnyòng make the past serve the present [古板 -bǎn]守旧固执,呆板 rigid [古怪 -guài]奇怪,罕见,不合常情 strange; odd; eccentric 2.古体诗 a form of pre-Tang (dynasty) Poetry, usu. having five or seven characters to each line:五~ wǔgǔ pentasyllabic ancient-style poetry/ 七~ qīgǔ septasyllabic quatrain; a four-line poem with seven characters to a line and with not so strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme[古董 -dǒng][骨董 -dǒng]古代留传下来的器物 antique; curio fig. 顽固守旧的人或过时的东西 old fogey |