释义 |
口kǒu ㄎㄡˇ 1.嘴,人和动物吃东西的器官。有的也是发声器官的一部分 mouth, the organ through which a human being or an animal takes food into the body, and by which sounds are made [口舌 -shé]1.因说话引起的误会或纠纷 misunderstanding or dispute caused by gossip 2.劝说、交涉或搬弄是非时说的话 words spoken in talks, negotiations, or gossip:费尽~~ fèijìn kǒushé have a great deal of talking [口吻 -wěn]从语气间表现出来的意思 tone; note 2.容器通外面的部分 opening; mouth:缸~ gāngkǒu the mouth of a jar/ 碗~ wǎnkǒu the rim of a bowl/ 瓶~ píngkǒu the mouth of a bottle 3.(-儿 -r)出入通过的地方 entrance; gateway:门~ménkǒu gateway/ 胡同~儿 hútòngkǒur the entrance of an alley/ 河~ hékǒu river mouth; stream outlet/ 海~ hǎikǒu seaport/ 关~ guānkǒu gateway; strategic pass/ 特指长城的某些关口 esp. some gateways in the Great Wall:~北 Kǒuběi area north of Zhangjiakou, Hebei province/ ~蘑 kǒumó a kind of dried mushroom (from Zhɑngjiɑkou)/ ~马 kǒumǎ a type of horse (produced in Zhɑngjiɑkou) 4.(-子 -zi、-儿 -r)破裂的地方 cut; hole:衣服撕了个~儿 Yīfu sīle ge kǒur. a hole was torn in the jacket/ 伤~ shāngkǒu wound/ 决~ juékǒu (of a dyke) be breached; burst 5.锋刃 edge of a knife, etc.:刀还没有开~ dāo hái méiyǒu kāi kǒu The knife hasn't the first edge yet. 6.骡马等的年龄(骡马等的年龄可以由牙齿的多少和磨损的程度看出来) the age of a mule, horse, etc. (which can be inferred from the number of teeth and the degree they are worn):这匹马~还轻 Zhè pǐ mǎ kǒu hái qīng. This horse is still young./ 六岁~ liù suì kǒu six years of age 7.量词 meas. 1.用于人 for family members:一家五~ yī jiā wǔ kǒu a family of five 2.用于牲畜 for domestic animals:一~猪 yī kǒu zhū a pig 3.用于器物 for utensils:一~锅 yī kǒu guō a pot/ 一~钟 yī kǒu zhōng a clock |