释义 |
清qīnɡ ㄑㄧㄥ 1.纯净透明,没有混杂的东西,跟“浊”相反 pure and clear; unmixed, antonym of "zhuó(muddy, dirty)":~水qīngshuǐ clear water/ 天朗气~ tiānlǎng-qìqīng clear sky and pure air (a fine day) ext. 1.单纯地 simple:~唱 qīngchàng sing opera arias without makeup 2.安静 quiet ( comb. -静 -jìng quiet):~夜 qīngyè stillness of night 2.明白,不混乱 distinct; clear:分~ fēnqīng distinguish/ ~楚 qīngchu clear; distinct/ 说不~ shuō bu qīng hard to explain 3.一点不留,净尽 clean away; eliminate:~除 qīngchú eliminate; get rid of 4.清除不纯成分以纯洁组织 clean up; purge:~党 qīngdǎng purge a political party; carry out a purge 5.查点(清楚) check up:~仓 qīngcāng check up warehouses; make an inventory of warehouses 6.公正廉明 just and honest:~官 qīngguān honest and upright official 7.朝代名(公元1644—1911年)。公元1616年,满族爱新觉罗·努尔哈赤建立后金。1636年国号改为清。1644年建都北京 the Qing Dynasty (A.D.1644—1911), first named Houjin, established by Aixinjueluo Nuerhachi of the Man nationality, and later renamed Qing in 1636, with capital founded in Beijing in 1644. |