

字词 中央军委


the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 237.


中央军委全称“中国共产党中央军事委员会”,是中国共产党领导下的最高军事领导机构。其主要职能是:直接领导全国武装力量。其组成人员由中国共产党中央委员会决定。党的中央军委由主席、副主席、委员组成,实行主席负责制。 中国人民解放军的党组织,根据中央委员会的指示进行工作。中央军事委员会的政治工作机关是中国人民解放军总政治部,总政治部负责管理军队中党的工作和政治工作。军队中党的组织体制和机构,由中央军事委员会作出规定。1931年中共苏区中央局在江西瑞金成立,下设中央革命军事委员会,同年11月,中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府成立,朱德任中华苏维埃共和国中央革命军事委员会主席, 彭德怀、王稼祥任副主席,毛泽东、 周恩来、叶剑英等15人为委员,红军历史上的中革军委即由此开始。1949年10月1日, 中华人民共和国成立。同日,中央人民政府人民革命军事委员会也宣告成立,毛泽东任主席。1982年9月12日,邓小平在中共十二届一中全会上当选为中共中央军委主席;同年 12月4日,中华人民共和国第四部宪法正式颁布,其中规定,中华人民共和国设立中央军事委员会统帅全国武装力量,由主席、副主席、委员若干人组成,实行主席负责制。设立国家军委,是我党在新的历史条件下,对国家体制和军队体制的一次重大变革。1983年6月18日,邓小平在六届人大一次会议上当选为中华人民共和国中央军事委员会主席。2010年10月15日至18日,中国共产党第十七届中央委员会第五次全体会议在北京举行。全会决定,增补习近平为中央军事委员会副主席。2016年2月1日公布了中央军委机关调整后的相关负责人名单。原四总部改为15个职能部门。军委机关调整组建任务基本完成是我军领导指挥体制改革取得的一个突破性进展,是全面实施改革强军战略的一个标志性成果,是走中国特色强军之路迈出的关键一步。(中国共产党中央军事委员会.via:




1. 必须把学习贯彻党的十八大精神作为首要政治任务抓紧抓好。各级要按照党中央、中央军委的部署,在全军迅速兴起学习贯彻党的十八大精神的热潮。要深入学习贯彻科学发展观,学习党关于新形势下国防和军队建设思想,牢固确立科学发展观在国防和军队建设中的指导地位,深刻把握新形势下国防和军队建设的特点规律。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:215

1. Studying and applying the guiding principles of the Party’s 18th National Congress must be our number one political task, and we must do it well. In line with the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, a campaign should be launched promptly in the armed forces to study and apply these principles. We should continue to study the Scientific Outlook on Development, and use it to guide our work. We should study the Party’s guiding thoughts concerning the building of national defense and armed forces, taking the Scientific Outlook on Development as the guiding principle in this respect, and fully understand the features and laws of the building of national defense and armed forces in the new environment. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 237.

2. 希望大家在以江泽民同志为核心的党中央的领导下,在以他为主席的中央军委的领导下,把我们军队建设得更好,为捍卫我们国家的独立和主权,捍卫我们国家的社会主义事业,捍卫我们党的十一届三中全会以来制定的一系路线、方针、政策,做出更多更大的贡献。——《邓小平文集(第三卷)》,1993:334-335

2. I hope that, under the leadership of the Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, and of the Military Commission with Comrade Jiang Zemin as Chairman, you will do still better in strengthening the army. Thus, it will be able to make greater contributions to safeguarding the independence and sovereignty of the state, defending the cause of socialism and upholding the line, principles and policies formulated by the Party since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1995: 323.

3. 当前,最紧要的是始终在思想上政治上行动上同党中央保持高度一致,坚决维护党中央、中央军委权威,确保一切行动听从党中央、中央军委和习近平主席指挥。——《学习习近平总书记重要讲话》,2013:65

3. The most important thing to do is to maintain a high degree of unity with regard to the guiding ideology, line and principles. The authority of the Central Party and Central Military Commissions should be safeguarded and guaranteed unswervingly, with the commands issued from the Central Party, the Central Military Commissions, as well as General Secretary Xi Jinping strictly followed in all actions. -Quoted from The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China—On General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream”, 2015: 56.


例句 1:
As one of the 36 military strategists designated by the Central Military Commission of theCommunist Party of China, Peng Xuefeng was not only a skilled commander with distinctive military tactics butalso an outstanding propagandist who had formulated his own ways and style of carrying out political work, especially the work of military publicity.

例句 2:
At the beginning of PRC,during presiding over the daily work of the Central Military Commission, Peng Dehuai indicated to prepare to implement the system of “one-man leadership”in the army in March 1953.And in September, he put forward clearly to give up the implementation of the system.

例句 3:
Thirdly, the military court should be under two systems, i.e. the nationaljudicial system and Central Military Commission system.





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