

字词 中国的核安全观


China’s views on nuclear security


China’s role in maintaining regional nuclear security. via: http://english.cntv.cn/program/newshour/20140323/102048.shtml


中国的核安全观,是中国国家主席习近平第一次在国际会议上、首次全面阐述的关于核安全问题的思想、原则的简称。中国是世界上第一个提出“核安全观”概念的国家。2014年3月24日在荷兰海牙举行的“第三届核安全峰会”,以“加强核安全、防范核恐怖主义”为主题,习近平主席于此次峰会作了主旨讲话,首次全面阐述了中国的核安全观。习近平指出,人类要更好利用核能、实现更大发展,必须应对好各种核安全挑战,维护好核材料和核设施安全。加强核安全是一个持续过程,中国坚持发展和安全并重,权利和义务并重,自主和协作并重,治标和治本并重。我们要坚持理性、协调、并进的核安全观,把核安全进程纳入健康持续发展轨道。中国的核安全观具有全局性、战略性、持久性等特征。(中国的核安全观.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=G47QLPvllpJ8JGuolB9Y3xELNodTR-ILIfq8Z-NI6GLgCzKoEWbdQ-Bl6AHt24f9qwOkGkKOTanpvSa5iNwwmHKVie60Shr-UdNqCZsalh995gkovBgSWHB4IWwcNfKrKL3b_NMhhpHQu5A73G5Tbq)。


中国的核安全观.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=G47QLPvllpJ8JGuolB9Y3xELNodTR-ILIfq8Z-NI6GLgCzKoEWbdQ-Bl6AHt24f9qwOkGkKOTanpvSa5iNwwmHKVie60Shr-UdNqCZsalh995gkovBgSWHB4IWwcNfKrKL3b_NMhhpHQu5A73G5Tbq


1. 从2010年的华盛顿,到2012年的首尔,再到今天的海牙,核安全峰会承载着凝聚各国共识、深化核安全努力的重要使命。我们要坚持理性、协调、并进的核安全观,把核安全进程纳入健康持续发展的轨道。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:253-254

1. From Washington DC in 2010 to Seoul in 2012 and to The Hague today, the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) has the great responsibility of building international consensus in this regard and deepening nuclear security efforts. We must take a sensible coordinated and balanced approach to nuclear security and keep it on the track of sound and sustainable development. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 277-278.

2. 核安全涉及不同层面,既包括实施科学有效管理,发展先进安全核能技术,也包括妥善应对核恐怖主义和核扩散。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:255

2. The issue of nuclear security has many dimensions, from exercising sound and effective management to developing advanced and secure nuclear energy technologies and to dealing with nuclear terrorism and nuclear proliferation. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 280.

3. 为防患于未然,中国全面采取了核安全保障举措。我们着力提高核安全技术水平,提高核安全应急能力,对全国核设施开展了全面安全检查,确保所有核材料和核设施得到有效安全保障。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:256

3. As a precautionary step, China has tightened nuclear security measures across the board. We have made great efforts to improve our technology and emergency response, and conducted comprehensive security checks on nuclear facilities across the country to make sure that all nuclear materials and facilities are placed under effective safeguards. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 280.


例句 1:
In March,2014, Chinese President Xi set forth for the first time China’s approach to nuclear security at the third Nuclear Security Summit (NSS), and this represents the first “approach to nuclear security” worldwide.

例句 2:
Nuclear safety is an important component for national security, the concept of "rational, coordinated, and hand in hand" present a new direction for the development of China 's nuclear security.

例句 3:
Chinese President Xi Jinping addresses China’s new concept of nuclear security with four “equal emphasis” at the third Nuclear Security Summit, and makes four commitments to strengthen nuclear security in the future.





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