

字词 马克思哲学的“断裂”理论


epistemological rupture/break in Marxist philosophy


[1] Althusser, L. For Marx [M]. The Penguin Press, 1969: 185.
[2] Epistemological rupture. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemological_rupture


马克思哲学的“断裂”理论即由法国著名马克思主义哲学家路易·皮埃尔·阿尔都塞(Louis Pierre Althusser,1918年10月16日—1990年10月23日)提出的“认识论的断裂”思想。“认识论的断裂”思想是阿尔都塞在其1965出版的著作《保卫马克思》一书中提出的,实际上是青年马克思和老年马克思的对立问题。阿尔都塞认为,马克思哲学思想的发展中存在着一个“认识论断裂”:断裂前,即从博士论文到《神圣家族》,包括1842年前(主要指《莱茵报》时期),还包括1842年—1845年,这段时期是马克思哲学思想的“意识形态”阶段,那时马克思是费尔巴哈式的抽象人道主义者;断裂后是马克思哲学思想的“科学”阶段,从《哲学的贫困》直到去世,这一时期马克思建立了科学的历史观,成为马克思主义创始人。所谓断裂,即“彻底告别”,也有批判的意义,批判此前信奉的人道主义,而找到了历史的以及整个世界的发展规律,马克思的哲学思想由意识形态变为科学(安启念,2016:18)。值得注意的是,关于马克思主义理论中是否存在这样一个“断裂”,学界至今未能达成统一共识,持反对意见的学者认为,人本主义思想贯穿马克思主义始终,青年马克思与老年马克思只存在研究重心和角度的不同,而不存在所谓“认识论断裂”。




1. 我已经多次指出,前者是马克思此时的主导理论逻辑框架,而后者则不过是一种新的理论线索的否定性因素。特别由于这两者之间似乎存在着十分深刻的相悖性,马克思这时还无法将后者中的客观必然性的“是”与前一条线索中否定意义上出现的坏的“是”统一起来。所以,我们就不能同意法国哲学家阿尔都塞的观点,即把马克思的思想进程特别是后来发生的哲学变革简单地说成是一种“认识论断裂”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:247

1. I have mentioned several times that the former is Marx’s dominant logical framework at this time, while the latter is only an element of refutation in a new theoretical line of thinking. Because these two lines of thinking appear to be so deeply paradoxical, Marx was, as yet, unable to unify the objectively necessary “is” of the latter line of thinking with the evil “is” of the first line of thinking. Therefore I am unable to agree with the French philosopher Althusser in his “epistemological rupture theory” that suggests a simple “rupture” in the development of Marx’s thinking. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 186.

2. 19世纪40年代的“认识论断裂”把黑格尔主义的马克思和科学的马克思区分开来,因为阿尔都塞是马克思主义的科学特征的坚定捍卫者。就这一特征而言,马克思主义可以摆脱它是一种意识形态的指责。在阿尔图书的世界图式中,意识形态是一种充满盲点和内在矛盾的实体,使资产阶级国家的公民看不到真正的事态。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:148

2. The epistemological break of the 1840s divides the Hegelian Marx from the scientific Marx, with Althusser being a staunch defender of Marxism’s scientific character. Given that character, Marxism can be cleared of the charge of being an ideology, an entity which in Althusser’s scheme of things is marked by blind-spots and internal contradictions hiding the real state of affairs from the citizens of a bourgeois state. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 95.

3. 1.在“一般甲”和“一般丙”之间,从不存在本质的同一性,而只有真实的转化性,即或者由意识形态的一般转化为科学的一般(巴歇拉尔把这种转化的表现形式称之为“认识论断裂”),或者产生出一种新的科学一般,它既“包含”旧的科学一般,又否定旧的科学一般,也就是说,它规定着旧的科学一般的“相对”真理性和局限性。——《保卫马克思》,1984:157

3. (1) There is never an identity of essence between Generality I and Generality III, but always a real transformation, either by the transformation of an ideological generality into a scientific generality (a mutation which is reflected in the form Bachelard, for example, calls an 'epistemological break'); or by the production of a new scientific generality which rejects the old one even as it 'englobes' it, that is, defines its 'relativity' and the (subordinate) limits of its validity.-Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 185.


例句 1:
Marx creatively integrated the metabolic concept into social and economic area and founded metabolic fracture theory, which revealed the distorted mechanism between human beings and their residing environment under the capital conditions.

例句 2:
The theory of metabolic rift finds that industrial production will necessarily take on an amoral form of exploitation of humanity and nature,and the co-evolution shows that when handling the relations of men and nature,any one-dimensional emphasis on either struggle or cooperation of environmental ethics would lack the dialectical methodology and appropriate economic considerations.

例句 3:
Specifically speaking, ecological Marxism aims to explore the thoughts of ecological civilization in Marx and Engels’s dialectical materialist views of nature, the fracture theory of metabolism and the labor theory of value.





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