

字词 非本质联系


non-essential connection


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 160.




[1] 长春地区军队院校教学协作中心政治教育协作区.哲学原理辅导[M].长春地区军队院校教学协作中心政治教育协作区,1986.
[2] 赵德水.马克思主义知识辞典[Z].江苏教育出版社,1991.
[3] 刘炳瑛.马克思主义原理辞典[Z].浙江人民出版社,1988.
[4] 刘延勃.哲学小辞典[Z].吉林人民出版社,1983.


1. 在这里,马克思试图透过复杂的经济现象,真正站在无产阶级立场上,从现象的“本质联系”出发,在更深层次上揭露资产阶级社会经济的本质。这是马克思的一种新的批判话语的起点:人学现象学。与费尔巴哈的人学现象学迥然不同,它是马克思自己的人本主义社会现象学。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:214

1. Here Marx attempts to truly stand with the proletariat, using complex economic phenomena, to expose the essence of the bourgeois economy beginning with the “essential connections” of the economic phenomena. This is the starting point of one of Marx’s new critical discourses: humanist phenomenology. Very much unlike Feuerbach’s humanist phenomenology, this was Marx’s own humanist social phenomenology. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 160.

2. 由于这种性质,金银在建立世界市场方面起了很重要的作用。例如,美洲的银从西方流到东方;从近代开始,一方面美洲和欧洲之间发生了贵金属的联系,另一方面同亚洲发生了贵金属了联系。在原始共同体,这种金银贸易只起到次要的作用,同整个交换一样,只涉及剩余物。但是,在发达的贸易中,金银的贸易却成为和整个生产等等有本质联系的一个要素。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷)》,1979: 177

2. In this character, gold and silver [play] an important role in the creation of the world market. Hence the circulation of American silver from West to East; the metallic link between American and Europe, on the one hand, with Asia on the other, since the beginning of the modern epoch. In primitive communities this trade in gold and silver is only incidental, like exchange as a whole, related only to the surplus. But in developed trade, posited as a moment that is essentially connected with the whole of production, etc. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 159-160.


例句 1:
Based on the view of materialist dialectics, this paper is to explain the essence of English tense and aspect. Traditional grammarians usually focus their attention on the external relationship between tense, aspect and time, while ignoring the essential relationship, as a result of which, the definitions of English tense and aspect based on the traditional grammar theories cannot be used to explain in a unified way the various grammatical phenomena about tense and aspect in English language.





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