

字词 货币供给


money supply




货币供给即一国经济中货币投入、存款货币创造、基础货币扩张(或收缩)形成的货币供给的全部过程。其主要内容有:货币供给量的定义及货币层次的划分;存款货币的创造过程;决定货币供应量的因素,货币供给量的定义及货币层次划分。货币供给量是指某国家某时点(如年末)流通中货币量的总和。货币层次一般是指按照货币的流动性原则,存款和信用工具转换为货币所需的时间和成本为标准进行划分的。货币供给主体是银行,包括中央银行和商业银行。一般来说,货币发行均由各国中央银行垄断经营,其他部门、企业、个人均不能擅自发行货币。中央银行通过具体从事存贷业务的商业银行将货币供应给个部门、企业和公众,以及个人。一切部门、企业、居民个人只能在其所具有的支付能力内支配它的货币权力,不得超出支付能力任意滥发各种支票和信用工具,当然他们可以按照一定的程序向银行申请贷款。换言之,除银行系统之外的任何部门,企业、个人不能自己额外地供应货币。商业银行从事客户存贷的具体业务,可以多存多贷,在贷款以转账形式的条件下,客户取得银行贷款并不立即提取现金,而是将款项转入其在银行中的存款账户,相应地其开户银行就取得了一笔存款,可以用于发放贷款,因此同一笔贷款就可以多次反复地通过贷款——存款——贷款——存款不断地进行下去, 原始存款或贷款就可以产生出若干笔存款或贷款来,这种由第一笔原始存款辗转存贷并非可以无限进行下去,它受到以下条件限制:(1)法定存款准备率,即商业银行向中央银行交纳的准备金占活期存款的比率;(2)提现率(或现金漏损率),即客户提取的现金占存款的比率。(3)超额存款准备率,即商业银行向中央银行交超额准备金占活期存款的比率。(4)定期存款准备率,即将存款转存定期的总额占活期存款总额的比率。商业银行的派生存款能力都会受到向中央银行缴纳法定准备金和超额储备金、公众提取现金、转存定期存款的影响,随着以上几个比率的增大而削弱。原始存款经过“派生”之后,成倍扩张(或缩小),这个倍数称为货币乘数。货币乘数和基础货币是决定货币供给量的重要因素。(刘伟等,1994:1235)




1. 但是,按照我们的假定,全年生产的金——它不断地从市场上取出劳动力和生产材料,但没有从市场取出货币,而是不断地用追加的货币供给市场——只是补偿一年内磨损的货币,也就是,只是补足社会上始终以贮藏货币和流通货币这两种形式(虽然二者的比例不断变动)存在的货币量。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十四卷)》,1972:365

1. But according to our assumption, the entire annual production of gold—which continually withdraws labour power and materials of production, but no money, from the market, while continuously adding fresh quantities of money to it—merely replaces the money worn out during the year, hence only keeps intact the quantity of social money which exists constantly, although in varying portions, in the two forms of hoarded money and money in circulation. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36), 1997: 327.

2. 公元五世纪末现金的量大大减少了,采矿停止了。在十五世纪末以前的中世纪,相当大的一部分货币都是金铸币(现金的减少特别涉及到过去最通行的银)。十五世纪的比例是10:1;十八世纪在大陆上是14:1,在英国是,15:1。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷上)》,1979:131

2. At the end of the 5th century A.D., there was an unusual decline in the quantity of coins and stagnation in mining. In the Middle Ages until the end of the 15th century, gold coins made up a relatively significant portion of the money supply. (The decline affected particularly the silver [coins], which had earlier provided the bulk of the circulating currency.) The [gold-silver] ratio in the 15th century=l:10, in the 18th century=l:14 on the Continent, 1:15 in England. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 119.


例句 1:
The money supply plays the boosting role in the art market prices.

例句 2:
The money demand function is incomplete in developing countries with undeveloped security market, and the developing countries lack of speculation demand for money, at this time the regulation of money supply has direct and significant effect on output; with the development of the security market, the interest rate elasticity of money demand be-came larger so that the monetary policy can play a less important role in influencing real economy. Finally, this paper constructs an empirical analysis model of VAR based on the macro data of China, and the empirical results support the theory.

例句 3:
Under the condition of open, through the data from 1990 to 2013, the empirical test shows that China's currency are strongly endogenous. Reflect for the money multiplier is not stable, and have a big volatility; The monetar





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