字词 | 剥削率(又作 剩余价值率) |
释义 | 剥削率(又作 剩余价值率)【英】the rate of exploitation; the rate of surplus value译文来源[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 359. 定义剩余价值率是指剩余价值m和可变资本v的比率,或剩余劳动时间和必要劳动时间的比率,也叫剥削率。在资本家的全部预付资本中,用于购买生产资料的不变资本c的价值,在生产过程中被转移到产品中去,并没有发生价值量的变化;而用于购买劳动力的可变资本v在生产过程中则实现了价值增殖,即带来剩余价值。因此,剩余价值率是它所带来的剩余价值同实际发生作用的可变资本之比。剩余价值同可变资本相比,能够表明雇佣工人所创造的价值有多少被剥削,有多少归自己,表明资本家剥削工人的程度,因而也叫做剥削率。剩余价值率的变动取决于三个因素,即工作日的长度、劳动的标准强度和劳动生产力。在这三个因素中,如果一个不变,另外二者发生变化,或者其中两个不变,一个发生变化,或者三个因素同时变化,可以产生种种不同的组合。并且,三个因素变化的大小和方向可以不同,这些组合就更加多种多样。(剩余价值率.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%89%A9%E4%BD%99%E4%BB%B7%E5%80%BC%E7%8E%87?fr=aladdin)。 定义来源[1] 剩余价值率.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%89%A9%E4%BD%99%E4%BB%B7%E5%80%BC%E7%8E%87?fr=aladdin 例句1. 在曼德尔看来,是资本的积累过程决定了资本主义生产方式的进程。资本集中化的趋势既导致了垄断,又导致了资本有机构成的提高(即花在厂房设备和原材料方面的费用超过工资方面)。虽然市场体制可能改变,但基本的问题仍然是如何提高剥削率,使生产和积累仍然有利可图。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:345 1. For Mandel, it is the process of capital accumulation that determines the progress of the capitalist mode of production. The tendency to concentration of capital gives rise both to monopoly and to an increase in the organic composition of capital (more spent on plant and raw materials than on wages). However the structure of the market may change, the basic problem is still how to raise the rate of exploitation so that production and accumulation remain profitable. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 359. 2. 在李嘉图那里,矛盾本身没有表达清楚,即没有以下列形式表达:尽管一种商品比另一种商品包含的无酬劳动多,——因为在对工人的剥削率相同时,无酬劳动量取决于有酬劳动量,就是说,取决于所使用的直接劳动量,——但是它们提供的价值相同,或者说,提供的无酬劳动超过有酬劳动的余额相同。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十六卷)》,1974:72 2. The contradiction itself is not clearly expressed by Ricardo, namely, not in the form: although one of the commodities contains more unpaid labour than the other—for the amount of unpaid labour depends on the amount of paid labour, that is, the amount of immediate labour employed provided the rate of exploitation of the workers is equal—they nevertheless yield equal values, or the same surplus of unpaid over paid labour. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 32), 1989: 261-262. 3. 如果价值等于生产商品所花费的、物化在商品中的劳动,那就很清楚,在商品按它的价值出卖时,商品中包含的剩余价值只能等于其中包含的无酬劳动,或者说剩余劳动。但是在对工人的剥削率相同的情况下,这种剩余劳动量,对“推动不等量的直接劳动”的资本来说——不管这种不等是由直接的生产过程引起,还是由流通时间引起——是不可能相同的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十六卷)》,1974:74 3. If the value is equal to the labour worked up, embodied in a commodity, then it is clear that—if the commodities are sold at their value—the surplus-value contained in them can only be equal to the unpaid, or surplus labour, which they contain. But this surplus labour—given the same rate of exploitation of the worker—cannot be equal in the case of capitals which put in motion different quantities of immediate labour, whether it is the immediate production process or the period of circulation which is the cause of this difference. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 32), 1989: 263. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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