

字词 西斯蒙第


Jean Charles Sismond


[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 54-55.
[2] Jean de Sismondi. via: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_de_Sismondi




[1] 卢之超.马克思主义大辞典[Z].中国和平出版社,1993.
[2] 西斯蒙第.via:


1. 我们这里首先要提到的人物是法国著名经济学家西斯蒙第。19世纪初,当西斯蒙第出版《论商业财富》一书时,他是一位斯密的信徒;而当1819年他撰写《政治经济学新原理》时,却已经以古典经济学的反对者和批判理论家的面目在场了。依据马克思后来的经济学定位,西斯蒙第是法国古典经济学的终结者,也是为全部资产阶级古典经济学画上句号的人。“如果说在李嘉图那里,政治经济学无情地作出了自己最后结论并以此结束,那么,西斯蒙第则表现了政治经济学对自身的怀疑,从而对这个结束作了补充。”西斯蒙第站在小资产阶级的立场上,揭露了资产阶级社会生产方式中存在的社会矛盾,也由此,“西斯蒙第就因为感觉到了这种矛盾,所以在政治经济学上,划了一个时代”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:86-87

1. In the early 19th century, the first personage we will discuss in this section is the well-known French economist Jean Charles Sismondi. When Sismondi published On Commercial Wealth, he could still be considered a follower of Adam Smith, but by 1819 when he published New Principles of Political Economy, he had already become an opponent and critic of classical economics. According to Marx, Sismondi brought an end not only to French classical economics, but also to all of classical bourgeois economics. In Historical Notes on the Analysis of Commodities, part of his Critique of Political Economy, Marx writes: “Whereas Ricardo’s political economy ruthlessly draws its final conclusion and therewith ends, Sismondi supplements this ending by expressing doubt in political economy itself.” Upholding the position of the petty bourgeois, Sismondi revealed the internal social contradictions of the modes of production of bourgeois society. This prompted Marx to write in Theories of Surplus Value, that in recognizing these contradictions, Sismondi had begun a new era in the history of political economy. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 54.

2. 现代政治经济学的历史是以李嘉图和西斯蒙第(两个正好相对立的人,一个讲英语,一个讲法语)结束的,正象它在十七世纪末是以配第和布阿吉尔贝尔开始的。后来的政治经济学著作或者是折衷主义的、混介主义的纲要,例如象约·斯·穆勒的著作,或者是对个别领域的较为深入的分析,例如象图克的《价格史》以及最近英国一般的论述流通的著作,—流通是真正有些新发现的唯一领域,因为论殖民、土地所有制(各种小同形式的土地所有制)、人口等等的著作与过去的著作不同的地方,其实只是材料更丰富而已,—或者是为了更加广泛的公众和为了实际解决当前的问题而重复过去经济学上的争论,如论述自山贸易和保护关税政策的著作,最后,或者是有倾向性地把古典学派发挥到极端,如查默斯发挥马尔萨斯,居利希发挥西斯蒙第,在一定意义上,麦克库洛赫和西尼耳(就他们的早期著作来看)发挥李嘉图。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷上)》,1979:3

2. The history of modern political economy ends with Ricardo and Sismondi: antithetical figures, of whom the one speaks English, the other French—just as it begins at the end of the 17th century with Petty and Boisguillebert. The later literature of political economy ends up either in eclectic, syncretic compendia, like e.g. the work of J. S. Mill, a or in rather detailed elaboration of particular branches, like e.g. Tooke’s History of Prices and in general the more recent English writings on circulation--the only branch in which really new discoveries have been made. For the writings on colonisation, landed property (in its different forms), population, etc., really go beyond the older writings only in respect of their greater abundance of material. There are some reproductions of old economic controversies for a larger public and some practical solutions for day-to-day problems, like the writings on free trade and protection. Finally, there are tendentious exaggerations of the classical theories, e.g. Chalmers exaggerates Malthus, Gülich exaggerates Sismondi, and, in their earlier writings, MacCulloch and Senior in some ways exaggerate Ricardo. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 5.

3. 然而,需要说明的相同问题是,如同古典经济学方法论的哲学构架一样,几乎也没有人认真解读过内含在西斯蒙第经济学语境中的哲学话语。这也就意味着,西斯蒙第经济学中隐匿的哲学意向也是被遮蔽的。从总体上看,与斯密、李嘉图将政治经济学视为个人“发财致富”的只关心物的科学不同,西斯蒙第提出政治经济学应该是以人为中心的“我们为人类谋福利的理论”。准确地说,西斯蒙第作为建构政治经济学理论轴心的人,是理想化的小生产者。西斯蒙第的理论意向,让人联想到反对资产阶级启蒙思想的法国神学家帕斯卡,深刻然而反动。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:87

3. However, there is a related issue that we must confront here: just as researchers have often ignored the philosophical framework of the methodology of classical economics, so too have they overlooked the important philosophical discourse implied in Sismondi’s economics. Consequently, the philosophical intentions hidden in Sismondi’s economics have been concealed. In general, Smith and Ricardo’s science studied only material. Ultimately, their science viewed economics as a theory of “personal enrichment.” In contrast, Sismondi asserted that political economy should be centered on humans, a “theory that seeks the welfare of mankind.” Specifically, as the founder of the theoretical foundation of political economy, Sismondi was an idealized small producer. Sismondi’s theoretical intentions are profound but reactionary. Because of his opposition to bourgeois enlightenment thinking, Sismondi’s intentions resemble those of the French theologian Pascal. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 54-55.


例句 1:
In the comparative analysis on the economic thoughts of Bastiat and Carey in Economics Manuscript from 1857 to 1858, it elaborates four types of tendency of the division of economic thoughts after Ricardo and Sismondi as well as the basic features of the school of vulgar economics.

例句 2:
Sismondi is a deternined opponent to economic liberalism.

例句 3:
Sismondi, as the first economist to emphasize the “People-Oriented” thought in the history of western economic thoughts, maintains that plutonomy should be a science which study the welfare





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