

字词 封建主义




Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014.


封建的概念是天下不为公,由诸侯贵族分封而治或自成割据;其核心内容是对王公贵族等少数群体分封特权,对百姓、公民等大多数人施以统治。封建主义是一种社会意识形态,以封建社会这一社会形态为基础。封建社会的特征是物权统治一切。在封建社会中,中央集权是指通过战争或部落城邦的联盟而形成的依靠中央契约、地方纳贡、收税、派捐等方式得以运转的体系。与封建主义相对的是皇权帝国主义,即人权高于物权,物权受皇权的支配。在中国,关于中国何时进入封建主义社会观点纷呈,有“西周封建说”、“战国封建说”、“秦汉封建说”等诸种说法。著名历史学家吕思勉先生认为封建主义的尾声在两汉之世。“封建主义”,即分封制,西周之际的中国有着完善的封建制度,后为秦始皇所推翻,中国从秦代开始进入皇权帝国主义,即帝王制。(封建主义.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v98845.htm)中世纪欧洲的封建主义表现为个人间的契约关系,即一领主将土地赐与某贵族侍从以此来换取该贵族侍从为其服役。在中世纪欧洲,封建主义包含分权政治体制、价值观体系和以城堡与骑士为基础的军事体制。卡尔·马克思把历史看成是以生产方式改变为基础的辨证的、不间断的阶级斗争一切社会必然经过5个经济形态:奴隶社会、封建主义社会、资本主义社会、社会主义社会和共产主义社会。这5个社会形态必定按上达顺序依次出现任何阶段都不可逾越。(封建主义.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900014064183&d=FBD203776986B126E29B31674E1C628A)。


[1] 封建主义.via:
[2] 封建主义.via:


1. 他认为,如果每个人的财富都是社会的财富,每个人又都是平等的,那么每个人都应该可以随意支配任何社会财富。这样,所有权本身必然是自相矛盾的。财富为个人所有的权利必然是反社会的,是一种在社会之外的东西。“法国的革命可以界说为物权代替了身份权;这就是说,在封建主义时代,财产的价值是由所有人的身份来决定的,在革命之后,对于人的尊重是按照他的财产的比例而定的”。这是入木三分的见解。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:99

1. Proudhon believed that if the wealth of each individual is really the wealth of society and if all individuals are really equal, then any member of society ought to be able to control any portion of the wealth of society at his whim. In this sense, property cannot help but contradict itself. As Proudhon writes in What is Property, the right of individuals to own property is necessarily anti-social, a thing that exists outside of society. Proudhon elaborates on the anti-social nature of property, writing that, “The French Revolution may be defined as the substitution of real right for personal right; that is to say, in the days of feudalism, the value of property depended upon the standing of the proprietor, while, after the Revolution, the regard for the man was proportional to his property. This is a profound insight. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 65.

2. 我们主张的新民主主义的政治,就是推翻外来的民族主义压迫,废止国内的封建主义的和法西斯主义的压迫,并且主张在推翻和废止这些之后不是建立一个旧民主主义的政治制度, 而是建立一个联合一切民主阶级的统一战线的政治制度。 我们给这种主张,是和孙中山先生的革命主张完全一致的。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:957

2. The politics of New Democracy which we advocate consists in the overthrow of external oppression and of internal feudal and fascist oppression, and then the setting up not of the old type of democracy but of a political system which is a united front of all the democratic classes. These views of ours are completely in accord with the revolutionary views of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 280.

3. 其次,随着封建主义向资本主义的过渡,那种人与人之间的直接依赖关系让位给资本主义特有的“物的依赖性”这时,人对人的直接拜物教关系开始转化为“物与物之间的关系(relations between things)” 的中介了的拜物教,即商品拜物教。这第二种拜物教是对第一种拜物教的“补偿”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:375

3. Second, as feudalism transforms into capitalism, the relations of direct dependency between men give way to the “material dependency” proper to capitalism, when the fetishistic relations between men change to the mediated fetishism of “relations between things,” namely, the commodity fetishism. This is a “compensation” of the second fetishism for the first one. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Ad to Zizek, 2007: 484.


例句 1:
The word Feudalism is ambiguous. Its academic history is made up of the occurrences and advances of feudalism in its narrow sense, in its broad sense, and the Marxist concept.

例句 2:
Had been established the beginning from Communist Party of China to the new China’s establishment, until now, the Chinese Communists never give up eliminate the feudalism remaining thought diligently with the struggle.

例句 3:
DENG Xiao paid much attention to fight against feudalism.





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