

字词 不可知论






不可知论主张现实世界不可认识或不可能彻底认识的哲学理论,它与“可知论”相对。“该词源于希腊语a(不)和gignoskein(知道),意即不可能知道”(冯契,徐孝通,2000:65)。不可知论一词, 是由英国生物学家、休谟主义者赫胥黎于1869 年首次提出的。“在他那里, 不可知论者是指对基督教神学教条表示怀疑, 但又拒绝无神论, 从而主张把上帝是否存在这一类问题搁置起来的人”(张华荣,1998:18)。“不可知论的本质,就是把人的感觉看作是主观与客观之间的屏障而不是桥梁,不承认在感觉之外有确实可靠的客观外部世界的存在,不懂得认识过程中本质与现象、有限与无限的辩证关系”(余源培,2009:19)。在欧洲哲学史上就已经萌发不可知论思想。近代哲学中,休谟、康德等进一步的发展和论证了不可知论思想。在现代西方一些哲学流派中不可知论思想仍然流行。“马克思主义哲学认为不可知论并非只起消极作用,它提出认识能力、认识的无限与有限、认识的相对性等问题,对于反对形而上学的独断论和启迪人们的思考有一定作用”(冯契,徐孝通,2000:65)。


[1] 冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2000.
[2] 张华荣.不可知论和人类认识的发展[J].福建师范大学学报哲学(社会科学版),1998(1).
[3] 余源培.哲学辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2009.


1. 报告人是否承认:恩格斯把哲学体系基本上分为唯物主义和唯心主义,把近代哲学中的休谟路线看作是介于两者之间、动摇于两者之间的中间派,称这条路线为“不可知论”并说康德主义是不可知论的变种?——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:1

1. Does the lecturer acknowledge Engels’ fundamental division of philosophical systems into idealism and materialism, Engels regarding those intermediate between these two, wavering between them, as the line of Hume in modern philosophy, calling this line “agnosticism” and declaring Kantianism to be a variety of agnosticism? -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 15.

2. 他不是反对康德的不可知论(不可知论就是否认我们通过感觉感知的客观实在),而是主张更纯粹的不可知论,主张排除康德的那个和不可知论相矛盾的假定:自在之物是存在的,虽然它们是不可认识的、心智的、彼岸的;必然性和因果性是存在的,虽然它们是先验的,是存在于思维中而不是存在于客观现实中。——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:203

2. He fought not against the agnosticism of Kant (agnosticism is a denial of the objective reality given in sensation), but for a purer agnosticism, for the elimination of Kant’s assumption, which is contradictory to agnosticism, that there is a thing-in-itself, albeit unknowable, noumenal and other-sided, that there is necessity and causality, albeit a priori, given in our understanding, and not in objective reality. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 197.

3. 该书的基本概念是唯物主义和唯心主义这两大互相冲突的哲学派别。对唯心主义哪怕作出最微小的让步最终都将导致信仰主义和宗教,从而在客观上帮助和拯救了资产阶级。他不仅力图说明,那些否认不依赖感官知觉而存在的客观世界的实在性的人实际上是宗教信徒,而且企图——更令人难以置信地——表明,在关于外部世界的存在不可知论和宗教之间有一种必然联系。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:106

3. The basic conception in the book was that two philosophical schools confronted each other: materialism and idealism. The slightest concession to idealism would objectively give aid and succour to the bourgeoisie by ending up in fideism and religion. And he attempted to show not only that those who have denied the reality of an objective world existing independent1y of sense perception had in fact been religious believers, but also—and much more implausibly—that there was a necessary connection between agnosticism about the existence of an external world and religion. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 114-115.


例句 1:
The third part points out the existence of the entity, but it is unknowable.

例句 2:
Agnostics(Agnosticism) word Jurists Huxley introduced for the first time by the British Museum in 1869.

例句 3:
Basic principles of empiricism advanced by Bacon are proved systematically in his complicated and enormous philosophical system, it exposes a series of contradictions between materialism monism and dualism, cognoscism and agnosticism, empiricism and rationalism and so on at the same time.





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