字词 | 第四届亚太经合组织海洋部长会议 |
释义 | 第四届亚太经合组织海洋部长会议【英】Fourth APEC Oceans Ministerial Meeting译文来源http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/2014-11/21/content_34051068.htm 例句1. 今年海洋领域合作取得新进展,我们备受鼓舞。我们欢迎第四届亚太经合组织海洋部长会议通过《厦门宣言》,并指示部长和官员们全力落实宣言。——《北京纲领:构建融合、创新、互联的亚太(上)——亚太经合组织第二十二次领导人非正式会议宣言》 1. We are encouraged by the progress of APEC’s ocean-related cooperation and welcome the Xiamen Declaration issued at the Fourth APEC Oceans Ministerial Meeting this year,and instruct our Ministers and officials to fully implement the Declaration.—Quoted from Beijing Agenda for an Integrated, Innovative And Interconnected Asia-Pacific (I)--The 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’ Declaration |
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