

字词 比较劳动生产率


comparative labor productivity


比较劳动生产率.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E6%AF%94%E8%BE%83%E5%8A%B3%E5%8A%A8%E7%94%9F%E4%BA%A7%E7%8E%87


 从时间序列考察,当经济结构二元性处于加剧阶段时,农业部门的比较劳动生产率逐渐降低,非农业部门的比较劳动生产率逐渐升高;在两部门的比较劳动生产率差别达到最高点后,农业部门比较劳动生产率又转而逐渐升高,从低于1的方向趋于1,非农业部门比较劳动生产率则趋于下降,从高于1的方向趋于1。所以,农业部门比较劳动生产率的变动轨迹呈现“U型”特征。同时,非农业部门比较劳动生产率的变动轨迹呈现“倒U型”特征(比较劳动生产率.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=b4akkW2eUd5G3UPUNiR97y29t-DxYQQTlhfjVPsQ6INLLv8a1Ocjrsr2LKHhbnGq1GAWvr23NEdgn2BwH6tl8Vk01_vH4UZl9zow2i0w5W_TYbeZBt1ZoIXT3k-bBxGLHjoI0eO0cAZr7ReGor8kUGbZGgQWEbHfinZ_WQm6K8S)。


[1] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994.
[2] 比较劳动生产率.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=b4akkW2eUd5G3UPUNiR97y29t-DxYQQTlhfjVPsQ6INLLv8a1Ocjrsr2LKHhbnGq1GAWvr23NEdgn2BwH6tl8Vk01_vH4UZl9zow2i0w5W_TYbeZBt1ZoIXT3k-bBxGLHjoI0eO0cAZr7ReGor8kUGbZGgQWEbHfinZ_WQm6K8S


1. 一旦手工业者整天不断地从事同一种操作,这些空隙就会缩小,或者说会随着他的操作变化的减少而趋于消失。在这里,劳动生产率的提高,或者是由于增加了一定时间内劳动力的支出,也就是提高了劳动强度,或者是由于减少了劳动力的非生产耗费。就是说,每次由静止到运动所需要的力量的额外消耗,为已经达到的正常速度在较长时间的持续所补偿。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972: 378

1. These gaps close up so soon as he is tied to one and the same operation all day long; they vanish in proportion as the changes in his work diminish. The resulting increased productive power is owing either to an increased expenditure of labour power in a given time—i. e., to increased intensity of labour—or to a decrease in the amount of labour power unproductively consumed. The extra expenditure of power, demanded by every transition from rest to motion, is made up for by prolonging the duration of the normal velocity when once acquired. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 346.

2. 我们在前面已经看到,随着劳动生产率的发展,从而,随着资本主义生产方式(它比一切以前的生产方式更加发展了劳动的社会生产力)的发展,那种以劳动资料形式一下子全部并入生产过程,并在一个或长或短的时期内在生产过程中不断反复执行职能的生产资料(建筑物、机器等等)的量,不断增大,并且这种生产资料的增大,既是劳动的社会生产力发展的前提,又是它的结果。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十四卷)》,1972: 159

2. It was seen previously that with the development of the productivity of labour and therefore also with the development of the capitalist mode of production—which develops the social productive power of labour more than all previous modes of production—there is a steady increase in the mass of means of production (buildings, machinery, etc.) which are incorporated once and for all in the process in the form of instruments of labour, and perform with steady repetition their function in it for a longer or shorter time. It was also observed that this increase is at the same time the premise and consequence of the development of the social productive power of labour. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36), 1997: 145.

3. 我们要实现国民经济现代化,极大地提高劳动生产率,就必须实现科学技术现代化。要充分认识,科学技术是第一生产力,是推动经济社会发展的强大力量。——《江泽民文选(第一卷)》,2006:161

3. Efforts to modernize the economy and greatly increase labor productivity can only succeed if we modernize the country’s science and technology. We must fully recognize that science and technology are a primary productive force, a great force that drives economic and social development. -Quoted from Selected Works of Jiang Zemin (Vol. 1), 2009: 153.


例句 1:
The indicator of driving force includes the first industries comparative labor productivity, agricultural modernization level and the average schooling years of the migrant rural workers.

例句 2:
The indicators are the degree of deviation, the comparative labor productivity, the proportion of value, the demand-income elasticity and the employment elastic coefficient.

例句 3:
Based on this, it further using more labor productivity to our country sports industry structure of the benefit of quantitative analysis to our country industry structure is the labor productivity for referenced basis, quantitatively measure the sports industry in China is the structure of the structure benefit, for the sports industry in China is provided in the study of the structure of the quantitative analysis of basis.





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