

字词 社会主义道德     

社会主义道德     【英】

socialist morality


Bowman, E. A, & Stone R. V. "Socialist Morality" in Sartre's Unpublished 1964 Rome Lecture: A Summary and Commentary [J]. Journal of French & Francophone Philosophy, 1992, 92(12): 851-851.




[1] 社会主义道德.via:http://baike.so.com/doc/1272768-1345886.html.
[2] 罗国杰.伦理学[M].人民出版社,1989.


1. 要继承和弘扬我国人民在长期实践中培育和形成的传统美德,坚持马克思主义道德观、坚持社会主义道德观,在去粗取精、去伪存真的基础上,坚持古为今用、推陈出新,努力实现中华传统美德的创造性转化、创新性发展,引导人们向往和追求讲道德、尊道德、守道德的生活,让13亿人的每一分子都成为传播中华美德、中华文化的主体。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:160

1. We should carry forward and foster the traditional morality long cultivated and developed by our ancestors. Under the guidance of Marxist and socialist ethics, we should make the past serve the present and put forth new ideas on the basis of eliminating the false and retaining the true for the creative transformation and progress of traditional Chinese ethics, so as to lead the people on the way to yearning for and aspiring to life-long learning, respecting and obeying moral standards, so that every one of the 1.3 billion Chinese citizens can be part of a team to disseminate Chinese morality and culture. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 179.


例句 1:
Since this article to the founding of the nation our country socialist morality construction's theory, the advancement and the practice has made the comprehensive inspection, faced the question to the current socialist morality construction to make the summary and the analysis, and has made the forecast to the socialist morality construction, to constructed the Chinese characteristic socialism by the time by the moral support.

例句 2:
Socialist moral norm system comprises a core, a principle, five basic standard, three major areas and a general purpose. It is a principle of socialist collectivism; it is through the core concept of socialist moral norm.

例句 3:
Qu qiubai’s socialist morality is one of the most representative ethical thought of the communist party of China in the early.





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