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Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2001: 145.




[1] 列宁.列宁选集(第二卷)[C].人民出版社,1995.
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 就这三位怀疑大师而言,弗洛伊德的个人主义色彩太浓以至没有对社会、政治现象作出解释,而对这些现象的更大量的解释恰恰是我们所要寻求的。至于尼采,至少在他当今的追随者的著作中,表现得太相对主义和无政府主义了,因而没法作为可靠的向导。而在这方面,马克思或许表现得最佳。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:361

1. For of those three masters of suspicion, Freud is too much of an individualist to give the rather larger explanations of social and political phenomena that we may be looking for. And Nietzsche, at least in the works of his latter day followers, is too much of a relativist and an anarchist to serve as any reliable guide. But Marx in this respect is probably the best of all three. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 375.

2. 在这一点上,索卡尔和布里克蒙明明显坚持一种保守的立场。他们反对库恩纲领的更激进的方面,认为这是后现代相对主义泛滥的主要因素——在他们看来,相对主义是最近知识生活的最大恶行之一。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:227

2. Sokal and Bricmont’s position on this is conspicuously conservative, and they take issue with the more radical side of Kuhn’s project which they see as a major contributory factor in the growth of postmodern relativism—relativism being, in their view, one of the great evils of recent intellectual life. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 145.

3. 索卡尔和布里克蒙特别积极地贬低混沌理论的所谓的激进意义,认为“应当避免”对我们无法预测一个体系的未来状态的能力“作出匆忙的哲学结论”。我们应该彻底拒绝由于人文和社会科学盗用混沌理论而经常产生的极端相对主义,因为这种相对主义的基础是对相关科学的根本误解。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:227

3. Sokal and Bricmont are particularly keen to play down the supposedly radical implications of chaos theory, arguing that ‘one should avoid jumping to hasty philosophical conclusions’ about our inability to predict future states of a system. The extreme relativism that often results from the appropriation of chaos theory by the humanities and social sciences is utterly rejected, on the grounds that it is based on a gross misunderstanding of the science involved. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 145.


例句 1:
The positively relativist legal-philosophy made by Radbruch was aimed at overcoming the Natural Law School’s absolute value-doctrine, as well as the absolute positivism that was maintained by the Empirical Analysis of Jurisprudence, so as to be helpful for exploring a philosophical path towards reconciliation and tolerance.

例句 2:
The spread of moral relativism not only makes a huge mess of moral life, but also destroys the faith to public morals. There are too much emphasis on the individual moral, which will only weaken the effect of community and society, and further make moral evaluation and social supervision decline continually.

例句 3:
Relativism is a very complicated theory phenomenon and comes to front of the western philosophical schools. The dissertation analyzes the origin, the development and the theoretical essential on the relativism of new pragmatism profoundly and entirel





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