

字词 直接贸易


direct trade


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 16) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1980: 519.
[2] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994:417.


(1) 指商品生产国与商品消费国之间的贸易。生产国商品输出到消费国,从生产国方面来说,是直接出口;从消费国方面来讲,是直接进口。
(2) 本国卖方与外国买方签订合同,向买方出售货物。对卖方来说,是直接出口;对买方来说,是直接进口,而不问本国卖方是出口商还是生产厂商,也不问外国买方是进口商还是实际需求者(用户)。
(3) 生产厂商不通过中间商而直接与国外用户或进口商谈判,并承担有关出口业务的出口,称为直接出口;国内用户不通过中间商而直接与国外销售商谈判,并承担有关进口业务的进口,称作直接进口。直接贸易中本国的进出口贸易由本国人经营(刘诗白,2000:3437)。


[1] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994.
[2] 刘诗白.新世纪企业家百科全书(第六卷)[M].中国言实出版社,2000.


1. 在同一论题的第二篇文章中,“经济学家”详细论述了英国对华贸易的直接的和间接的重要性。在1858年,英国对中国的出口额达287600英镑,而最近三年来英国从中国的进口额平均每年在900万英镑以上,因此中英直接贸易的总额约计1200万英镑。但是除了这种直接交易外,另有其他三种重要的贸易,在国际结算的范围内英国或多或少地与它们发生密切的联系,这就是印度与中国、中国与澳大利亚、中国与美国之间的贸易。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十三卷)》,1962:579

1. In a second article on the same subject, The Economist dwells on the importance, direct and indirect, of the English trade to China. In the year 1858, the British exports to China had risen to £2,876,000, while the value of the British imports from China had averaged upward of cg,000,000 for each of the last three years, so that the aggregate direct trade of England with China may be put down at about ci2,000,000. But beside these direct transactions there are three other important trades with which, less or more, England is intimately connected in the circle of exchanges, the trade between India and China, the trade between China and Australia, and the trade between China and the United States. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 16), 1980: 519.

2. 我们同奥地利和俄国的贸易,不是停滞,就是缩减,而同土耳其的贸易却在迅速扩大。我们不能确定我们的输出有多大一部分是经过德国到达奥地利的,但估计数量不大。我们同奥地利的直接贸易是微不足道的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十八卷)》,1973:231

2. 'While our commerce with Austria and Russia is either stationary or on the decline, with Turkey it is rapidly increasing. We are not able to state what proportion of our exports may find their way to Austria through Germany, but we believe it [is] only small. Our direct trade with Austria is absolutely insignificant. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 39), 1983: 294.

3. 我不知道德国和协约国所缔结的条约的详细内容,但至少有一点是清楚的,这个条约禁止德国同苏维埃俄国建立直接贸易关系。我们做了一笔购买德国机车的生意,但是出面做这笔生意的不是德国,而是瑞典。德国在1921年4月之前恐怕不能和我们恢复公开的贸易关系。——《列宁全集(第四十卷)》,1976:108

3. I do not know the details of the treaty between Germany and the Entente, but in any case the treaty is known to ban direct trade relations between Germany and Soviet Russia. When we arranged for the purchase of German locomotives, that was done through the agency of Sweden. Germany will hardly be able to restore direct trade relations with us before April 1921. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 31), 1974: 476.


例句 1:
Indonesian commercial circles had been a vigorous practiser for the restoration of the suspended direct trade between Indonesia and China since 1970s.

例句 2:
Thus,the direct trade between the Circum-Bohai-Sea and western countries were further restricted, foreign trade had conducted through entrepot trade.

例句 3:





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