

字词 物物交换


exchange of material; barter


[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 430.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engel. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28) [C]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1986: 159.


 物物交换尽管存在许多缺点,但却不是一钱不值,尤其在现代社会中,物物交换的复活是一个极为引人注目的现象。(1)当货币体系陷入严重的通货膨胀,物价逐日倍增,物物交换就有可能在某种程度上再现。(2)在价格不能自动调整到均衡时(如存在价格控制或法定最低价格时),也可能采用物物交换方式。(3)在正常情况下,为了某些特定目的,物物交换也会在有限程度内出现,如美国的“物物交换俱乐部”即使为逃税而设立的。(4)在许多边远地区,物物交换和种种原始交易及货币交易一起,共同扮演重要角色。(5)物物交换是许多现代公司不可缺少的经营手段。(6)物物交换是国际贸易的重要部分,尤其是东西方之间的贸易。东方国家缺少硬通货,第三世界国家缺少现金,跨国公司经常选择物物交易方式,交换他们不能在公开市场上出售的产品。此外,有许多国际贸易协定是以物物交易为基础的,但这种情形一般存在一个初步的估价,货币是隐含在内的。(刘伟,1994: 434)




1. 在交换中,价值形式的发展经历了这样的过程:从物物交换到简单价值形式,再发展到扩大了的价值形式,进而演变为一般价值形态即货币。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:545

1. In exchange, the development of the form of value moves through the following process: From exchange of material to simple value forms, then to expanded value forms, and finally to general value form: money. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 430.

2. 货币重新作为金银出现,而不管它是被熔化为金银,还是只按它的金银重量来估价。它再度丧失了它的民族性,而充当各国之间的交换手段,充当普遍的交换手段,但已不再是符号,而是一定数量的金银。因此,在最发达的国际交换制度中,金银又出现了,它们所起的作用同它们在原始物物交换中起过的作用完全一样。我们已经指出,金银和交换本身一样,最初不是出现在一个社会共同体的范围内,而是出现在它的尽头,它的边界上,它和别的共同体接触的少数地点上。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷:上)》,1979:176-177

2. It reappears as gold and silver, whether it is melted down into it, or is only valued according to the number of units by weight of gold or silver it contains. It also loses its national character again and serves as means of exchange between nations, as universal means of exchange; no longer as symbol, however, but as a definite quantity of gold and silver. In the most developed system of international exchange, gold and silver therefore reappear in just the form in which they played a role already in primitive barter. Gold and silver, like exchange itself, as already mentioned, do not initially appear within the sphere of a social community but at the point at which it ends, at its boundaries; at its not very numerous points of contact with foreign communities. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 159.

3. 他发现:交换(der Tausch)或物物交换是社会的、类的行为,社会的联系(gesellschaftliche Beziehung),社会的交往和人在私有权范围内的联合,因而是外部的、外化的、类的行为。正因为这样,它才表现为物物交换。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:185

3. Marx discovers that, Exchange (der Tausch) or barter is therefore the social act, the species- act, the community (gesellschaftliche Beziehung), the social intercourse and integration of men within private ownership, and therefore the external, alienated species-act. It is just for this reason that it appears as barter. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 136.


例句 1:
In order to solve the problem that existing simple barter trade (SBT) incentive mechanisms in opportunistic networks degrade the network performance, a debt-based barter trade (DBT) incentive mechanism was proposed.

例句 2:
As is mentioned, barter is generally recognized as just existence in primitive society. However, in the market economy in Socialist China today, barter thrives miraculously in some rural areas.

例句 3:
The essence of the currency shows in W-G-W. Currency is the mediation of commodities exchange. The objective of commodities exchange is to satisfy the need of the people.





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