

字词 法哲学


philosophy of law


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法哲学是从哲学角度入手对与人类普遍相连的法学进行审视的学科,即关于法学和国家学说的最一般理论和世界观的学科。法哲学历来有两种基本含义:一是狭义,即指的对法的最一般理论问题的哲理性思考,或者说,是人们观察法、思考法所持有的一些最根本观点和总的看法,即一定社会人们的法学世界观的理论表述。我们可以把这看作是本来意义或严格意义上的法哲学概念。二是广义,即凡是涉及到法的基本理论或一般原理,都可以归属于法哲学,也即是现在西方所称的法理学的内容。所以,这种广义的法哲学不仅指人们的法学世界观,它可以囊括各法学流派或重要法学家学说中的基本内容,这是其对象和内容已经过泛化了的法哲学(法哲学.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5994721-6207692.html)。


[1] 法哲学.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5994721-6207692.html
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 他在这种关系中仅仅看到一个方面——道德。在这里,和黑格尔比较起来,费尔巴哈的惊人的贫乏又使我们诧异。黑格尔的伦理学或关于伦理的学说就是法哲学,其中包括:(1)抽象的法,(2)道德,(3)伦理,其中又包括家庭、市民社会、国家。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:329

1. This intercourse presents him with only one aspect: morality. And here we are again struck by Feuerbach's astonishing poverty when compared with Hegel. The latter's ethics or doctrine of social ethics, is the philosophy of law and embraces: 1) abstract law; 2) morality; 3) social ethics under which again are comprised: the family, civil society and the state. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 377.

2. 法的历史学派是18世纪末产生于德意志的历史学和法学中的反动流派。反动的浪漫主义学派是19世纪上半叶的思想派别,它与法的历史学派有血缘关系。关于这些学派的特征,见卡·马克思“法的历史学派的哲学宣言”和“黑格尔法哲学批判导言”(见“马克思恩格斯全集”1957年人民出版社版第1卷第97-106页和第454页)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:261

2. The Historical School of Law — a trend in German historiography and jurisprudence in the late 18th century. The representatives of this school, Gustav Hugo, Friedrich Karl Savigny and others, sought to justify the privileges of the nobility and feudal institutions by referring to the inviolability of historical traditions. For a criticism of these two trends see Marx's works: “The Philosophical Manifesto of the Historical School of Law” and “Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Law Introduction” (present edition, Vols. 1 and 3). -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 600.

3. 马克思从黑格尔的法哲学出发,得出这样一种见解:要获得理解人类历史发展过程的锁钥,不应当到被黑格尔描绘成“大厦之顶”的国家中去寻找,而应当到黑格尔所那样蔑视的“市民社会”中去寻找。但关于市民社会的科学,也就是政治经济学,而当时要切实地研究这门科学,在德国是不可能的,只有在英国或法国才有可能。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十六卷)》,1964:409

3. Proceeding from the Hegelian philosophy of law, Marx came to the conclusion that it was not the state, which Hegel had described as the "top of the edifice", but "civil society", which Hegel had regarded with disdain, that was the sphere in which a key to the understanding of the process of the historical development of mankind should be looked for. However, the science of civil society is political economy, and this science could not be studied in Germany, it could only be studied thoroughly in England or France. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 21), 1965: 61-62.


例句 1:
Law philosophy is a product of human civilization, in the process of the development of human history played an important role.

例句 2:
Radbruch is one of the greatest and the most influential philosophers and criminal law experts in German history in the 20th century.

例句 3:
Marx’s philosophy of rights, theoretically based on modern western philosophy of rights, arises from the thoughts of several brilliant modern western legal philosophers.





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