

字词 《莱茵报》


Rhine Newspaper of Politics; Trade; and Crafts


Rheinische Zeitung Für Politik, Handel und Gewerbe. via: http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Rheinische+Zeitung+Fur+Politik%2c+Handel+und+Gewerbe


《莱茵政治、商业和工业日报》的简称。由莱茵省的一些工业家和商人集资创办,1842年1月1日在科伦创刊。创刊时该报编辑部负责人为青年黑格尔派鲁滕堡(Adolf Rutenberg,1808—1869)。1842年4月马克思开始为该报撰稿,同年10月成为该报主编。马克思在《莱茵报》发表过许多论文,如《第六届莱茵省议会的辩论》、《第179号〈科伦日报〉社论》、《共产主义和奥格斯堡〈总汇报〉》、《摩塞尔记者的辩护》等。恩格斯也在《莱茵报》上发表了许多文章。这些文章对普鲁士专制政府持批判态度,特别是其中批评莱茵省议会的辩论的文章,引起了很大轰动,使报纸发行量猛增,成为普鲁士的主要报纸之一。该报的民主主义倾向引起了政府的恐惧和反动报刊的恶毒攻击。1843年1月19日普鲁士政府通过决定,从1843年4月1日起查封《莱茵报》,而在查封以前对该报实行特别严格的双重检查制。因该报股东试图谋求和解,使政府取消上述决定,马克思于1843年3月17日辞去《莱茵报》的主编职务。同年3月31日该报停刊。马克思在《莱茵报》的实践,是他早期思想转变的重要阶段。他后来在《政治经济学批判》序言中对此作了回顾和论述。(金炳华,2003:139)




1. 在孙先生的研究中,青年马克思本身被具体地一分为二:其一是从1837年加入到青年黑格尔派哲学阵营一直到1843年夏天以前,青年马克思的哲学思想主要受到经过青年黑格尔派改装过的黑格尔哲学的影响,这在他的博士论文《德谟克利特的自然哲学和伊壁鸠鲁的自然哲学的差别》以及《莱茵报》时期的一系列文章中得到反映。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:8

1. According to Professor Sun’s research, young Marx can be viewed in two stages. The first stage began when Marx joined the Young Hegelians in 1837 and continued until the summer of 1843; during this time, his thinking was primarily influenced by the Young Hegelian’s interpretation of Hegelian philosophy. This influence is most clearly reflected in Marx’s doctoral thesis The Difference Between the Democritean and Epicurean Philosophy of Nature, as well as in the many articles he published for the Rheinische Zeitung. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxvi.

2. 1842年9月,恩格斯结束兵役之后,在从德国赴英国曼彻斯特(去其父亲开办的工厂)的途中在科伦停留,当他去《莱茵报》时第一次拜访了马克思,但由于被误认为是柏林自由撰稿人的代表,恩格斯受到了马克思的冷遇。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:121

2. In September of 1842, after Engels had completed his military service, he stopped in London on his way from Germany to Manchester in order to visit a factory his father had opened there. When Engels first visited Marx at the Rheinische Zeitung, Marx mistook him for the representative of a free-lance writer from Berlin, and treated him rather coldly. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 82.

3. 1841年,年轻的哲学博士马克思步入社会时,是一位地道的唯心主义哲学家,这时占据他脑海的是反映资产阶级民主主义政治的理性观念论,这种唯心主义理念论只是在他接触到现实社会问题(《莱茵报》时期对经济利益关系的评判)时才开始出现裂痕。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:132

3. In 1841, as the young doctor of philosophy Karl Marx entered society for the first time, he was a true idealist philosopher. At this point in time, his attention was devoted to reflecting the rational idealism of bourgeois democratic politics. This idealist line of thinking did not start to crack until Marx began to come into contact with real social problems, which occurred as he criticized relations of economic interest during his time at the Rheinische Zeitung. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 92.


例句 1:
From this point on, the Rhine reported that for the young Marx provided an observation, research and critical stage of the real world activity.

例句 2:
Participation and editor of “Rheinische Zeitung” is the first step of Marx into revolutionary practice.

例句 3:
This paper focuses on the text from “Rheinische Zeitung” to“ DeutscheFranz sische Zeitung” to Clarify the relationship between Marxist's philosophy and liberalism.





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