

字词 反映论


reflectionism; reflection theory; theory of reflection


[1] Reflectionism. via:http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100410452
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 160.
[3] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 161.






1. 莱塞克·克拉科夫斯基(Leszek Kolakowski)领导了波兰的哲学复兴。他在一系列生机盎然的文章中声称,马克思主义不是一个封闭的体系。他抛弃了传统马克思主义关于意识形态的观念,并从理论上证明立足于实践概念而不是立足于反映论的认识论。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:151

1. The philosophical renaissance in Poland was led by Leszek Kolakowski, who, in a series of lively essays, claimed that Marxism was no closed system, rejected the traditional Marxist conception of ideology and argued for an epistemology based on the notion of praxis rather than on the theory of reflection. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 160.

2. 沙夫是党中央委员会成员中的一位语言学专家。他在《语义学导论》(1962年版)中作出了把现代语言学纳入马克思主义的最佳尝试。尽管沙夫强烈反对克拉科夫斯基的“青年马克思主义”,并为一种经过修改的反映论形式辩护,但他又确实诉诸“异化”(alienation)概念,并对社会主义能以多大速度消灭国家、家庭和商品生产持怀疑态度。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:151

2. A member of the Party’s Central Committee, Schaff was a specialist in linguistics and in his Introduction to Semantics (1962) produced the best attempt to integrate modern linguistic theory into Marxism. Although strongly to opposed Kolakowski’s “yong Marxism” and defending a modified form of reflection theory, Schaff did appeal to the notion of alienation and, dubious as to the rate at which socialism could proceed in abolishing the state, the family and community production. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 160-161.

3. 就像青年马克思一样,卢卡奇是通过黑格尔走向马克思主义的。这条路径终于使卢卡奇既反对社会主义工会领袖们20年前推行的“经济主义”理论设想,也反对以前许多马克思主义哲学家的科学主义倾向中对那么明显的自然必然性的强调。他批判了自然辩证法的概念及认识的反映论,并指责《反杜林论》对辩证法缺乏了解。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:166

3. Like the young Marx, Lukács had found his way to Marxism through Hegel. This approach involved Lukács in opposing the theoretical presuppositions both of the “economism” practised by the Socialist trade union leaders for the previous two decades and the emphasis on natural necessity so evident in the scientism of so many previous Marxist philosophers. He criticised the idea of a dialectics of nature, the reflection theory of knowledge, and took Anti-Dühring to task for its deficient understanding of dialectics. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 174.


例句 1:
Literary reflection theory of modern and contemporary literary theories in China went through such stages as the theory of general social-connection phenomenon reflection, the theory of preexistent epistemological essence reflection, and the theory of appearance-and-essence-unified literary reflection.

例句 2:
In epistemology, Mao Zedong, for the first time in the history of Marxist philosophy, summarizes this dialectical materialistic theory, set by Marx and Engels and developed by Lenin, as “initiative and revolutionary theory o freflection”.

例句 3:
Literary reflection theory of modern and contemporary literary theories in China went through such stages as the theory of general social-connection phenomenon reflection, the theory of preexistent epistemological essence reflection, and the theory of appearance-and-essence-unified literary reflection.





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