字词 | 持久稳定的互利经贸合作伙伴关系 |
释义 | 持久稳定的互利经贸合作伙伴关系【英】enduring; stable and mutually beneficial business partnership译文来源习近平谈治国理政:英文/习近平著;英文翻译组译.--北京:外文出版社,2014:342 例句1. 经济上,中拉要抓住双方转变经济发展方式带来的机遇,深挖合作潜力,创新合作模式,深化利益融合,建立持久稳定的互利经贸合作伙伴关系。——《习近平谈治国理政》 ,2014:311 1. Economically, we should seize opportunities created by the shift of growth model on both sides, fully tap cooperation potential, create new cooperation modalities, expand converging interests and foster an enduring, stable and mutually beneficial business partnership.—Quoted from XI JINPING The Governance of China, 2014:342 |
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